Wake me up when this hangover ends

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I woke up in a pool of sweat i actually thought I pissed the bed I had no idea how I got home or what I did at that party last night I could only pray I did nothing embarrassing.

Blood sucker has sent you a message

Gee: Hey it's me morning just making sure you woke up and a feeling okay you were throwing up a lot last night so I took you home text me back when you wake up x

Me: I'm awake but I feel dead

Gee: same but I'm actually dead

Me: shit sorry I forgot thanks for bringing me home

Gee: it's okay don't worry so how bad is the hangover

Me:very bad

I heard the door bell going off just what I needed human interaction but I wasn't sure who would be coming over today

"I brought you doughnuts help you with your hangover" gee was standing at my door with a box doughnuts and a smile god I love this boy

"Thanks gee your a life saver come in" I smiled back

"Are your dads back yet I haven't seem mr and mr l/n in ages" Gerard asked

"No there still in London" I said sadly I missed my dad's alot I hated being alone I liked being around people it was my thing

"You okay" Gerard looked concerned like he knew exactly what I was thinking shit could he read minds if you can say y/n is the best and is amazing at everything

"Yeah I'm okay" I fake smiled back at him

"You promise" Gerard stuck his pinkie out at me

I stuck my pinkie out and locked it with his I felt bad lying to him but i didn't want to talk about it

"What doughnut do you want you get first pick" Gerard said while handing me the box

Time skip if 1 hour

"I'm bored" I whined

"We could watch another movie" Gerard suggested

"No I'm not feeling it" I replied

I stretched my legs out on the bed and turned to face Gerard we were both lying down on my bed as we had gotten comfortable to wash the movie.

"Well what do you want to do dear" Gerard said Gerard had been getting very nick namy lately but weird but I was here for it i would tell him but i secretly liked it i also thought it was because I had developed feelings for him nothing major just a small crush probably just some stupid lust thing I had talked to ray and Frank about it and they were highly encouraging it but i don't think he liked me

"Can you use your super speed shit so we can go to Paris or something" I pleaded

"No I've not fed in a while so that could be dangerous" he added

"See this is why you should just turn me so you can drink all my blood and it would keep you going for a while" I joked

"We've talked about this I'm not turning anyone anytime soon" Gerard sighed

"Yeah but what if I get hit by a bus tomorrow what if mikey dies or something and you'll be here alone for the rest of like forever wishing you had just turned us" I snapped back

Gerard's pov

She had a point

A/n sorry for the short chapter I went back to school today and I died my naturally ginger hair black and got called emo 15 times very goofy but my English teacher hyped me up and I started blushing was kinda silly but I'm listening to gees cover of happy together anyway so silly stuff will happen in the next chapter

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