Theres a light that never goses out

24 2 10

Tw mention of weed and alcohol abuse

Two weeks two whole weeks of no contact no sings no nothing they say abstinence makes the heart grow more founder yet I just felt fed up I stopped trying he gave up on me I'll give up on him.

"Y/n" Ryan yelled that was the last think I heard before I was knocked unconscious

"Shit mikey call the ambulance" Ryan told mikey

"Why" he asked

"Because y/n has just been hit by a fucking bus" Ryan yelled at mikey

"Oh shit"mikey muttered

Narrators pov

Mikey rang the ambulance Pete, andy, Frank, ray, mikey,Ryan, Hayley and Kristine also waited patiently in the hospital till they got the new that y/n had sadly slipped into a coma in the true way of a fanfic of course no parents were called.

"Someone's going to have to try contact Gerard" ray said calmly

"Dibs not it" Frank blurted out

Everyone In the room glared at frank

"What he's scary when he's mad" frank explained

"Yeah I'm not doing it either" Hayley added

"Same" Kristine chimed in

"He may be my brother but I'm siding with Frank he's to scary" mikey mumbled

"We'll actually I've had a change in heart when two people are in love and can't be together like that um what's the name of that boom we read" " Romeo and Juliet" ray helped Frank with his speech "yes that shit but when I see two people in love and apart and one gets hit by a buss I think i should do something about it I shall call that son of a bitch" Frank dramatically told the room

"There was like no proof they were in love" Ryan spoke up

Frank  glared at Ryan as if he was stupid

"They are in love I can tell I just know" Frank screamed as ray took him out the room to seemingly calm down

Little did this group know getting in contact with Gerard would be easier said then done

Gerard's pov

Two weeks so far and there is many things I've learnt absence is the best revenge I didn't care about anyone anymore but maybe the weed helped with that and the alcohol but they did the job I could feed out here I practically had a grave yard at my fingertips life was blissful and easy.

*ring ring*

"Hello" I sceptically asked to the other person on the phone

"Gerard I'm going to fucking kill you" a voice belted at me

"Who the fuck is this" I yelled back I should have probably just hung up

"Doesn't matter you need to come home now" he shouted

"How did you get this number" I asked I was pretty sure it was one of my friends

"That's none of your business" he replied

I just flipped my phone and hung up I didn't need them

Kill all your friends (vampire Gerard way) Where stories live. Discover now