The patient

21 3 11

A/n this chapter is actually shit because it was wrote in the side of the rode in the hopes that I'f someone was like going to attack me they would see I was writing watpad and think to stay away also I was listening to panic! The whole time as well for more affect and I'm going to predict the future that i didn't get kidnapped

"How long has she been like this" I asked

"Two weeks few days" Frank responded

"Can she hear us" I added

"We don't know" ray chimed in

"If you guys had just talked about whatever happened between you two this probably wouldn't have happened" Frank said

"Yeah no shit Frank" I mumbled

"What the hell were you even doing" ray asked

I couldn't really tell them I had been on a mass killing spree while also drinking myself to unconsciousness because one they would probably ring the police and two they would be worried and would probably ask more questions

"I went on a walk" my mouth talked faster then my mind I could have come up with a way better lie

"For two weeks you went on a walk" Mikey appeared from behind me looking tired and furious

"Hi mikey" I quietly said

"Oh hi gee how was your walk" mikey snapped at me

"Mikey I'm really sorry" I tried apologising to him yet he wouldn't have it but I knew he would come around hopefully

An dull feeling filled the room our best friend could die and all we were bothered about was who to blame or how to drag the argument on.

I was scared I was genuinely scared about losing her she just came back we've barely had any time together it wouldn't be far if she died.

I felt like I was going to cry in that moment which would be totally fine if I didn't cry blood I had to use all my strength to not start crying i really couldn't lose her.

"Mr toro may I speak to you" a short young ish looking doctor asked ray

After around five minutes ray came back looking slightly more optimistic then before

"She can hear us" ray said i sigh of relief washed over my body I could finally tell her I was sorry

"Y/n do you think you'll be okay by Saturday I want to throw a party" Frank giggled

Ray nudge Frank slightly causing frank to dramatically fall of his chair in the hopes someone would feel bad.

"Ray for that your uninvited to the party" Frank sobbed

Ray chuckled Frank was good to keep around as comic relief.

Fast forward a few days for dramatic effect

"Gee you have to come to school" mikey said

"No I left once I'm not doing it again"i replied

I had stayed by y/n side for a few days I wasn't religious or anything but I had been praying that she would be okay and she would wake up and we would make up and everything would be fine I'm not sure that would happen.

"Hey y/n/n I'm stilly waiting for you to wake up your really pulling some sleeping beauty crap on me" I spoke to her as gently as I could

"No reply god you must be mad at me" I giggled

I wasn't expecting a reply but out the corner of my eye I saw her hand twitch I wasn't a doctor or anything but I'm pretty sure that's a good sign.

"Y/n i saw your hand twitch are you conscious come on please wake up please" I begged

Y/n pov

I could hear a voice I knew exactly who it was it was Gerard.

Me on the side of the road

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Me on the side of the road

Kill all your friends (vampire Gerard way) Where stories live. Discover now