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It was a lazy Sunday morning, a week since our return home.

While my husband had dashed off to work as he often did, even on weekends.

Vihan was immersed in Tom and Jerry on the TV. Meanwhile, I found myself caught up with my daughter who was making me chuckle time to time by her cute antics.

As I was playing with my daughter, the tranquility was shattered by the shrill ring of the phone.

I immediately attended the call

"Prepare extra food for lunch, a guest is coming with me," he demanded before abruptly ending the call.

Irritation simmered within me, and before I could even think, I found myself dialing his number in a fit of anger.

"Hel-" I seized the moment, cutting him off sharply.

"Don't hang up on me ji, without hearing my response," I snapped before disconnecting the call, not bothering to wait for his reaction.

Fuming silently, I turned back to my daughter who immediately melted my heart by her mere smile.

After coaxing my little princess into a peaceful nap, I set about the task of preparing lunch, my hands moving almost mechanically as I whipped up a meal .

Despite the rush, there was a strange sense of satisfaction in the rhythmic chopping of vegetables and the bubbling of pots on the stove.

With lunch ready and the table set, I finally allowed myself a moment to relax, joining Vihan in front of the TV.

Tom and Jerry filled the room with laughter, and soon, both of us were laughing uncontrollably, the stresses of the morning temporarily forgotten.

However, our laughter was abruptly cut short by the unexpected chime of the doorbell, signaling the arrival of Adhvik and his guest. As I hurried to welcome them in.

Adjusting the pleats of my saree, I made my way to the door, anticipation.

As I swung it open, I was met not only by Adhvik but also by Ruhani.

"Hey, Adhya," she greeted me, her smile stretched thinly across her lips.

"Hi, welcome," I replied, mirroring her insincere warmth as I stepped aside to allow them entry, my eyes briefly meeting Adhvik's before flickering away.

Ruhani’s gaze fell upon Vihan, who was engrossed in the television screen.

"Hi sweetheart," she cooed, attempting to engage with him, but he just gave her a nod.

"Vihan, this is Ruhani" Adhvik introduced Ruhani to our son, the gesture met with a simple nod from Vihan.

Adhvik scooped Vihan into his arms.

"Do what did you do buddy" Adhvik asked vihan with curiousness lacing in his eyes

"I am angry on you, papa," Vihan declared, his tiny lips forming an adorable pout that mirrored his father's own expressions.

"Why is my prince angry with me?" he inquired, his tone laced with confusion.

"Cause you went to oppice without telling me," he explained, his pronunciation endearingly imperfect.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he apologized, his contrition genuine as he showered Vihan with a flurry of playful kisses, eliciting giggles from the little one.

"Stowp," Vihan protested playfully, squirming in Adhvik's embrace, though the laughter in his eyes betrayed his true feelings.

"Then tell me you forgive me," Adhvik persisted, his lips still pressed against Vihan's cheek as he awaited his son's response.

With a giggle that melted my heart, Vihan relented, his laughter echoing through the room as he uttered a soft "Yes," signaling his forgiveness..

As Adhvik gently set Vihan down, he gestured towards me, indicating his intention to freshen up. With a nod, I acknowledged his silent communication, watching as he disappeared down the hallway.

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