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Hey my sunshine. How are you doing?

Recently I opened my Wattpad to see it oozing with more than 200 notifications and I was happy about it and overwhelmed thinking that I was finally getting some love from my dear readers but when I started going through it one by one, my face morphed from giddy feeling to a disappointed feeling.

I was bundled with a lot of hate comments to my story.

I was feeling absolutely shitty after reading it.

All complained to me that i was writing a shitty story and how pathetic Adhya was and how narcissistic Adhvik was.

But I clearly remember you saying that my story is not a perfect one and contains flaws but the way you complained to me made me sad.

One person even sent me a dm and threatened me to make adhya leave Adhvik.

Please guys don't make me feel worthless by your hate comments to the story.

Adhvik loves Adhya but he couldn't understand what he could name the feeling and bringing Ruhani home was like bringing a friend over and clearly Adhvik doesn't love Ruhani from the beginning and it was just an attraction towards Ruhani that's it .

So please don't hate me or my story cause it's too much to take for me and if you please don't like the story leave the story.

That's all I can request you guys

I am wondering if i should unpublish my story or stop writing cause a few comments really demotivated me

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