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He departed from the kiss after devouring my lips mercilessly and making my lips ooze with blood and he smirked seeing it.

I grabbed his collar and pulled him closer.

"Remember Adhvik Singhania belongs to Adhya Singhania and next time when you allow any women to touch what's mine, I will cut her head into pieces and feed to dogs. Remember I don't make jokes Mr. Adhvik Singhania" I told him with possessiveness dripping in my voice.

His face was went void when I left him but his void face morphed into smug and this time he grabbed me.

"This Adhvik Singhania belongs only to Adhya Singhania and I like my women being feisty" he said with sheer sincerity in his eyes and left me and started driving.

Adhvik's pov:

I was driving the car with an expressionless face, but deep down, I was screaming with excitement like a kangroo. Seeing this bold, new side of my woman had me elated.

The bold attitude of her made me horny.

"Typical horny teenager"

She was the only woman who made me wet by mere words. She sent me electrical impulses when she pulled me closer and claim me her's.

I tried to suppress my feelings for her, but she made it impossible to control my emotions. She was the only woman who had ever made me feel this way.

I never felt this way about Ruhani. In fact, I didn’t even love Ruhani. I just needed someone to support me in the business world, and she volunteered to help as a friend.

I’m falling harder for her, yet the coward inside me keeps ignoring these overwhelming feelings.

I was never the relationship type, but now, for Adhya, I’m ready to take that step.

My train of thoughts haulted as we reached back to our hotel. I looked at my wrist watch to see it's already 9pm.

I took Vrihanika on my arms while she took vihan in her arms.

We both strode to our room and tucked them on the bed and placing four pillows behind them to prevent them from falling.

"Adhya, I will go and take shower" I told her but she facade no gesture. I guess she is still angry.

"Iam never letting any women near me if it's upsetting my wife but I loved her angry face"

I slowly got myself into the shower drenching myself in the lukewarm shower.

I heard a clicking sound and frowned who would be but then my jaw dropped to the ground seeing her in bikkini entering the shower room.

"Just her presence makes my membrane errect"

"What are you doing Adhya?" I literally whispered but she didn't give any reply instead she pulled me closer captured my lips in her and started kissing in feral .

I stood still not believing what is happening. I doubted of she is really my wife and I felt a sense of giddy feeling that she made a first move in kissing me.

Her lips quivered when she was kissing. She suddenly departed from me making me confuse.

"I am sorry, i didn't ask your permission and-" I cut her off by placing my index finger on her soft plumpy lips.

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