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We've reached the final chapter, everyone! I'm feeling both happy and emotional. The journey of "Our Love" has been incredibly special to me.

I'll post the epilogue on ScrollStack this Sunday, and it will be available on Wattpad the following Sunday.

Now, I need your final choice: which book would you like me to start drafting next?

1. "Redemption in Love"
2. "Hearts Under Contract"
3. "My Enticement"
4. "Shadows of Obsession"

Also, if you have any questions, please comment below. There will be a Q&A session soon.

Don't forget to vote and comment on the chapter! It’s over 3,000 words long.

Thank you for being part of this journey!


It was truly the best birthday ever, hearing the incredible news that I was going to be a father again.

Vihaan made me a heartfelt birthday card and baked a cake with Adhya. A smile spread across my lips as I reminisced about how perfect my day had been.

I glanced down to see Adhya nestled in my embrace, peacefully sleeping after enjoying her midnight pizza.

My heart sank as I realized how absent I had been during her past two pregnancies.

The regret hit me hard as I understood how much I would have cherished taking care of her and giving her the attention she deserved during those times.

Her heart must have been shattered when I neglected her during her past pregnancies.

I deeply regret being so late in realizing my mistakes and feel ashamed for cowardly pushing my feelings aside, treated her like a piece of shit.

A lone tear slipped from my eye as I thought about how much Adhya had endured during our five years of marriage. She faced my ignorance, dealt with my family, and took care of our children without anyone to properly guide her. She also endured the relentless scrutiny and harsh comments from the media.

I'm incredibly proud of my lady, who managed to navigate both her personal and public life with such strength.

A part of me would never forgive myself for that neglect, but now it's time to make amends. I need to stand by her and be the husband she truly deserves.

I am determined to spoil and pamper my wife, ensuring that I fulfill her every need and duty from now on.

My hands tightened around her waist as I nestled into the curve of her neck, finding solace in her presence.

I woke up earlier than her the next morning, determined to make her breakfast.

After a quick shower, I descended the stairs and found Kamali didi in the kitchen.

"Good morning, di," I greeted her softly, catching her amused glance.

"Beta, you're up early?" she asked in surprise, to which I nodded.

"I want to make breakfast for Adhya," I told her, and she responded with a broad smile, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Di, is there a specific dish she likes?" I asked, curiosity tinged with a pang of guilt for not knowing her favorite food.

"To be honest, she eats whatever you make, but I would suggest you make lasagna," she said thoughtfully. "She once told me she loved it very much when she tried it with you for the first time at a restaurant."

"And also make Rasamalai," she added with a chuckle, as if recalling Adhya's reaction. "She goes crazy like a kid when she sees Rasamalai."

I smiled and asked her to join me in preparing breakfast.

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