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I was draping my saree for our son's naming ceremony. Adhvik hadn’t revealed the name, wanting it to be a surprise.

As I adjusted my saree, I felt something cool against my neck. Glancing down, I saw a beautiful necklace, and in the mirror, I watched Adhvik clasp it around my neck.

“What’s this, ji?” I asked, curious about the unfamiliar necklace.

“It’s a gift for my big baby,” he said, planting a tender kiss on my cheek.

“Aren’t you going to reveal the name yet?” I asked, feeling a bit impatient. Adhvik just chuckled, which only made me more annoyed.

“Just wait an hour, you’ll find out,” he said with a mischievous grin.

“Papa, which dress should I wear?” a small voice interrupted us. I turned to see our three-year-old daughter, Vrihanika, standing there with two outfits in her hands.

Adhvik carefully examined both dresses before pointing to the red one.

“Mumma, help me put it on!” Vrihanika said enthusiastically.

“She only needs me for things like this,” I muttered, a hint of jealousy creeping into my voice. Adhvik chuckled and whispered, “Jealousy is a disease, wifey.”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but smile as I helped Vrihanika into her dress.

“Mumma!” Another voice called out, and when I turned, I saw my five-year-old son, Vihan, standing there with a big smile.

“Yes, beta?” I replied softly.

“Help me comb my hair,” he requested.

“I’ll do it, come here,” Adhvik offered.

“No, I want my Mumma to do it,” Vihan insisted, while Adhvik muttered something under his breath, clearly a bit put out.

Despite the playful grumbling, I couldn’t help but smile. It was endearing to see how both of them still fight for my attention, like children squabbling over their favorite treat.

“Alright, come here,” I said, taking the comb and gently running it through Vihan’s hair.

Adhvik watched with a mock pout. “he has definitely secured a master degree in stealing your attention,” he said, feigning jealousy.

I chuckled, enjoying the familiar warmth of these small moments.

So, what name have you decided to keep?" the priest asked in Hindi after completing the mantras.

"Vikram Singhania," Adhvik announced, a smile tugging at his lips.

My own lips curved into a smile, pleased with the name he had chosen.

The priest nodded approvingly and continued with the mantras.

I was cuddling my little Vikram while Adhvik went to tuck Vihan and Vrihanika into bed.

As the door opened with a soft creak, I watched Adhvik quietly make his way towards us. He gently sat down next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. But as soon as he did, Vikram started to cry. Adhvik lifted his head, and almost immediately, Vikram calmed down, prompting a chuckle from me at our baby's adorable possessiveness.

"Looks like someone's a little jealous," I said with a chuckle while Adhvik pouted.

"Hello, my little one," Adhvik cooed, "remember, she was my wife before she became your mother." As if on cue, Vikram started crying again, so I scooped him up into my arms, trying to soothe him.

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