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Girly girl or tomboy??

Gifts or letters??

KitKat or diary milk??

We arrived in Mumbai at 3 AM and it took us another two hours to reach Rihana's house, Adhvik's relative. Fortunately, Adhvik had arranged for two bodyguards and a car to be waiting for us at the airport.

I was immensely relieved he did, as I had been worried about how I would manage with two babies and all our luggage.

I entered the house to find my father-in-law and the others chatting and sipping tea. I greeted them with a smile, which they warmly reciprocated.

Rihana's father, Jagadish Sharma, asked the maid to show me to a room and suggested I get some rest since it was still early morning. I nodded gratefully and headed to the chamber.

I carefully placed my kids on the bed, surrounding them with pillows for safety, before going to freshen up. Emerging from the bathroom, I slipped into a comfortable red kurthi, ready to start the day.

 Emerging from the bathroom, I slipped into a comfortable red kurthi, ready to start the day

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I was about to leave the room when my phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID and saw Adhvik's name.

"Ji," I answered, picking up the phone.

"Were you so busy that you forgot to call your husband?" he asked, his tone playfully petulant.

"No ji, I just forgot," I replied, a hint of teasing in my voice, which he seemed to miss.

"You must be the only wife who forgets to call her husband," he said with a dramatic sigh.

I chuckled.

"So, does Adhya Singhania at least remember that she's married?" he asked, feigning seriousness.

"I guess no" I told him with a smug on my face.

"Adhya Singhania, when we meet, you will shake and quiver and whisper my name like a fervent prayer" he said with hint of threat lingering in his voice. The voice which sounded like a child now morphed suddenly into husky voice.

I gulped at his words.

"Do you understand, Adhya?" he asked.

I nodded instinctively.

"Words, Adhya. I can't see you nodding," he said with a chuckle. I was mortified and shocked—how did he know I was nodding?

"Yes," I answered quickly.

"Good girl, if you are playing a game with me and you think you can play better than me, think again Mrs. Singhania" he rasped in his sexy voice

"Ji, I have to go bye" I tried to hang up to escape this situation

"Escaping aren't we? It's okay, run as much as you want now but when I meet, you will be mine to hunt"he said and let out a chuckle.

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