Demon King Trials

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The King's Rampage

Erian's journey had reached its peak. He and Sabrina's troops passed through quite steep mountains. The location of the Ancient Forest is surrounded by mountains which are nest to harpies and wyverns. So, it was very difficult to carry out an attack with a large-scale army into the ancient forest. Plus, this ancient forest is part of the Dragon God's territory.

"We have arrived, my lord... this is our new home... Ancient Forest."

Erian was quite surprised when he saw the size of the tree in front of him. The tree is almost 50 meters high, with a very large trunk.

"From here on, we must use special magic to avoid being hit by treants. They live in the outermost area of the forest and are very sensitive to visitors from outside the forest."

"Special magic?"

"Ah, You simply wear your robe so that it covers your entire body, my lord."

"Got it..."

Sabrina and her men entered the forest first. They intended to lead the way so that Erian wouldn't get lost. When Erian was about to enter the forest an invisibility barrier appeared. The barrier prevented Erian from entering the forest.



Erian and Sabrina were both shocked to see what happened. The two of them never knew about an invisibility barrier in the outermost part of the forest. A large-scale wave of magical energy appeared, accompanied by a transmission magic. Someone's voice began to sound in Erian's head.

"So you are the one who will lead the demon race and replace me as the Demon King. I will give you trials to see your abilities... First, you must find the entrance to the ancient forest... then you will be directed to the next trial."

"Trials? You mean you gonna test me? Me, who has been chosen as the demon king, will get a test from you?"

The muscles on Erian's body began to expand, and his veins became prominent. Erian looked very angry because he felt belittled by someone. His magic energy was overflowing, and he tried to mobilize all the magic energy from his body. The overflow of magic energy from Erian's body shook the ground in the entire ancient forest area.

"How dare you question my qualities as a Demon King...!!!"


Erian placed his palm on the barrier very hard. His two palms created a blast of wind whose sound echoed into the forest. Erian focused his magic energy on strengthening his physique. Energy fluctuations emerged like lightning when Erian tried to penetrate the barrier using his hands. Slowly, his fingers began to break through the barrier, it causing a crack.

"Impossible... the magic barrier created by the ancient demon is cracked...!?"

"Something as thin as this... won't be able... to stop me...!!"

*Crack... Broken*

As Erian used all his strength to tear open the barrier in front of him, the entire barrier surrounding the ancient forest was destroyed. The barrier maker was surprised to see the strength of the person he wanted to give the test to.

"Ha... If you really can't accept my presence... then I will destroy you all."

Sabrina immediately approached Erian and prostrated herself in front of him. Erian's steps stopped, and he looked at Sabrina.

"My lord... I beg you to calm your anger. I'm sure our current king has no bad intentions towards you."

Suddenly, Sabrina's body lifted due to the influence of magic. He could also see Erian's face, which was very different from usual. A surge of uncontrollable anger was clearly visible in his eyes.

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