Demon Power

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Assassination Mision

Ganbor and Firhan continue to monitor black market conditions, waiting for the right moment to attack. Without them realizing it, Ruzuan already knew their movements. Ruzuan remained calm as if nothing had happened. Even though he knew several adventurers were after his neck.

"I never thought... you could be this good at letting the rats roam around."

"I'm used to things like this my king. They won't be able to kill me... I'm a Noble Demon level demon."

Ruzuan looked very relaxed in response to Erian's words. He also remained focused on the quality of the medicines in front of him.

"All these potions really look like masterpieces... I can see its very high purity level."

"I divided it into two types... the first is for healing wounds. Then the second is to increase magic power."

"What...!? Is it true that this potion can increase magic energy...?"

"You can... but there are side effects. Before that, I will discuss how the potion works first."

"Yes, please... my lord...!"

Erian began to explain how the potion he had made worked. The potion forces the user's body to release 150% of its total original strength, and the compulsion can last for 10 minutes. After the effect wears off, the potion user will faint due to running out of magical energy.

Normal use will only make potion users experience mild addiction. It is recommended not to use the potion excessively. For example, drink two bottles at once or twice in a row. The effect will be very deadly for the user if they do this.

Erian also switched to recovery potions. He explained to Ruzuan about the greatness of the potion. First, the potion can heal damaged body parts. For example, a cut hand can recover completely.

"Then the most important part of this potion is... it can be used on humans and demons."


Ruzuan never expected to see a potion that could heal demons. Erian created the potion based on the magic theory he had recently studied. Plus, the potion made by Erian can heal hands and feet that are severed from the body. Ruzuan could now imagine how popular the potion would be.

"Products like this will definitely sell well...! How many do you have now...? can you mass produce it?"

"Mass production is still difficult. Because only I can make this healing potion. Even Romax couldn't imitate a human's magical energy flow like I did."

"Ah, I see... w-wait...! You can imitate the flow of human magic energy...!?"

"Yeah... I learned about it recently. Everything was possible thanks to the experiments I conducted on the slaves. Then for this potion... I made a hundred bottles of each potion."

Erian snapped his fingers. Several wooden boxes floated into the room. The wooden box contains potions.

"Good work..."

"For my lord... we will do anything.."

The Miniar that Erian saved had already become a very obedient slave. Ruzuan was even surprised to see that the miniars who were previously disabled had recovered. But Ruzuan just kept quiet while checking the quality of the potion.

'Our new king is truly full of surprises. But all that makes him look even more attractive... My decision to support him will definitely lead me to huge profits...'

"All the potions look good. but... is it just a hundred for each potion?"

"That's right... we have to maintain the stock amount so that the price of this potion remains stable. You can sell it as expensive as possible. Then I'll just take 60% of the selling price."

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