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Radiant Sword

Erian continued fighting while getting used to his magic and physical strength. His body was easier to control now. Fanian continued to be pushed back without being able to put up a fight like before. The clash of attacks in the air continued until Fanian failed to withstand Erian's attacks. Erian immediately launched his strongest punch and hit Fanian in the stomach.

"Thank you for the practice, and see you..."


Fanian's body shot straight at high speed and hit the castle wall. When Erian saw that Fanian couldn't move, Erian was about to leave that place. But before he could take a step, another demonic figure appeared.

"Let me introduce myself... my name is Lenias Urbiant, one of the Generals of the Demon King. I want to test your strength, my future king..."

"Hahaha... another new person comes who wants to be beaten."

Lenias smiled when he heard Erian's very confident words. He also took out many light swords using his magic power. Erian was a little surprised to see that a demon could control light element magic. Hundreds of light swords that Lenias made began to move. His sword fell like raindrops. However, each of them has powerful destructive powers.

Erian dodged every golden sword aimed at him. Erian's movements were so smooth when avoiding Lenias' attacks. The ground Erian was standing on began to crumble. Even Lenias' light sword could penetrate the trunks of the giant trees around Erian.

'His attacks are not only fast... but also powerful. Penetrating tree trunks that are harder than steel. Luckily I've learned how to control this body... otherwise... my body would be full of holes.'

Erian continued to avoid attacks using steps from martial arts techniques. He wanted to test the techniques he had previously learned. Erian often memorizes many martial arts techniques from various traditions of the earth. But this was the first time he had the opportunity to use it.

'The avoidance technique in silat combined with wushu has proven effective. I can also use it perfectly without any difficulty. Now let's test the true power of this body...'

Several swords aimed at Erian at the same time. Erian dodged while turning his body. He also launched a kick. One of the swords was the target of his kick. The sword made of light was blown away. Erian coated his feet with magic energy and kicked all the swords he couldn't dodge.

"It feels quite nice to use Taekwondo this easily. This body is not only strong but also flexible and fast... very different from my previous body...!"

Erian continued to kick Lenias' swords. In the end, Erian kicked back Lenias' sword. The sword flashed and cut Lenias' cheek.

"Ups... that's my fault..."

"💢... You seem to have great power. You can even handle my rain of golden swords this easily. Let's see if you are truly worthy to occupy the throne of the demon king. Try to handle this...!"

[Sword of Radiance]

A giant greatsword appeared through the dark clouds in the sky. The sword was golden in color and emitted an extremely bright light. The substitute demon king could only gape at Lenias using his ultimate magic.

'The sword wasn't just glowing... its heat could be felt all the way here even though it was still quite a distance away. But the greatest thing about that sword is that it is made of pure magic. I can see the purity of his magic on that sword with these eyes... it's amazing.'

A giant sword of light shot towards Erian. The heat emitted by the sword burned everything. Erian could only smile as he took a stance. All his muscles expanded, and the ground he was standing on began to crumble.

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