Demon King Domination

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Demon King Power

Erian confronts one of the Demon King's Generals, Fable Luxuria. A dark knight who wields a large sword.

*swing... BOOM*

Erian dodged a sword slash that could easily split a giant tree. The fight continued, and Fable continued to launch attacks. The slash of the black sword that Fable swung made the ground split.

"Able to dodge my attacks... you seem pretty good."

Fable raised his black sword again and prepared to swing it. When the sword moves again to slash the target's body. Erian was silent and used his hand to block the swing of the black sword. An air explosion occurred when Erian managed to block the black sword. Fable was very surprised when he saw his attack being blocked with his bare hands.

"This attack of yours is quite powerful... but an attack like this won't be able to cut through my body."

'phew... fortunately, my estimate wasn't wrong. If my estimation had been even a little off... my hand would have been split open by now.'

Erian hardens his entire body using the magic. He set his body until it became harder than a diamond. His body, which was already hard from the start, became even harder. Erian didn't even know that his body wouldn't be able to get hurt if he was hit by a nuclear explosion.

"Don't underestimate a dark knight...!!"

Fable took a few steps back and got into a stance. He also launched an attack that was different from before.

*slash slash slash*

"Feel my true power...!"

[Dark Slash]

Fable shot towards Erian and launched three slashes at his body. The slash this time was much stronger than before, so it could cause a few scratches. Erian smiled, seeing the strength of the person he was opposing.

"This kind of strength is the minimum requirement to become a demon king general. but... you are still far from worthy to test me."



When Fable turned around, a hard blow hit his face. Erian didn't stop with just the face. Erian delivered blow after blow. His stomach, chest, shoulders, face, and arms were subjected to repeated blows.

"This last one is for closing...!"


Erian delivered a final blow filled with magic energy towards Fable's stomach. Fable's body bounced until it hit a giant tree. The large hole was created because Fable's body was buried in the trunk of a giant tree.

"Hmmm... looks like I can't leave you here. So..."

A beautiful woman guards the next area. The woman was wearing goth clothing. She was seen waiting for the arrival of Erian, who had defeated Fable. The woman was quite surprised when she saw Fable, the dark knight, being dragged away unconscious.

"Then who are you?"

"My name is Fanian De Vimp... One of the Demon King's Generals. As a note... don't compare me to the loser over there. My power is not as weak as that person's..."

The short, red-haired girl looked so relaxed. Her defense looked full of gaps in Erian's eyes.

"No need to worry... I never judge other people carelessly."

"Then I'll start..."



Erian was surprised when he saw Fanian's speed. His arm was cut like tofu when Fanian's black sword hit it. Erian moved quickly to hold his cut right arm. Then put his arm back together using regeneration. Fanian, whose back was to Erian, turned his head. He looked so relaxed after successfully cutting Erian's hand.

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