Boredom (Part 2)

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"No need to be so nervous. Come here and massage my shoulders..."

The girl started massaging Erian's shoulders from behind. Her face turned red when she saw Erian's strong back. Meanwhile, Erian used his magic to analyze the girl's body he chose.

'That's what makes the body curves so perfect. Even the large size of her breasts looks absolutely perfect. The shape of her breasts is very tempting, with a body that is 171 cm tall. She has straight black hair with ruby red eyes. I wasn't wrong in choosing it as the best choice.'

Erian, who was satisfied with Lulunia's massage, told her to stop. Then he walked towards the pool and soaked while facing Lulunia.

"Now dance and relieve my boredom..."

"Yes, my lord..."

The dance is so flexible, with beauty and grace mixed with erotic nuances. Erian smiled when he saw the woman's abilities in front of him. He didn't expect her dancing skills to be that good. Erian immediately had a lot of thoughts in his head. Subconsciously, he thinks of a plan to make Lulunia his pawn.

"I've chosen... you deserve to be my pawn."


Lulunia's dance stopped when she heard Erian's words. She was never told about being Erian's pawn.

"Since you will be my pawn... now I have to find another woman to wash my body. You will be educated by Sabrina from now on."

Those were the words Lulunia heard before Erian left the bathroom. Erian also announced that he would re-elect because Lulunia had been chosen as his pawn. Everyone was surprised when they heard Erian's words. Only Sabrina smiled faintly when she heard the decision.

Lulunia, who came out of the bathroom, still couldn't believe what she had heard. Eyes full of hatred and envy continued to be directed at her.

"You accepted it, didn't you?"

"I am honored, my lord..."

Erian smiled when seeing Lulunia answer quickly. Lulunia herself is actually still confused. She replied because her body reflex respected Erian so much.

"It's good if you're willing... Sabrina... you take care of this girl. I still have to choose the winner of this erotic dancing competition."

"As you wish, my lord..."

Sabrina answered Erian with a slight bow. Then Erian chose three other girls to bathe his body. They also looked pleased because they were chosen.

"The three of you must clean my entire body until it is clean. use everything to make my body feel comfortable bathing with you..."


That night Erian took a bath with three women of his choice. Karaya, Nisha, and Ella. The three of them were chosen because they had the biggest breasts among the other participants. The faces of the three of them are also quite beautiful.

"OK, now let's go to the bathroom... My body already feels sticky because I haven't showered for 4 days."

"Yes, my lord..."

The three women chosen by Erian answered simultaneously. They also entered a special bath usually used by the village head. Nisha and Ella took off Erian's clothes one by one. Meanwhile, Karaya prepared several other things needed to cleanse the body. The three of them entered the bathroom wearing bikinis. Only Erian was naked because he was the only one who intended to take a shower to clean his body.

"Everything ready..."

The warm water is ready to be used for soaking. Erian entered with Nisha and Ella. They continued to hug Erian's arms so that their large chests were pressed together.

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