Starting Experiment

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The Power of Knowledge

Experiments carried out in other worlds differ in level of difficulty. Erian had already realized this when studying his own body. Everything related to living creatures is strongly tied to the existence of magic. The human knights who had become his slaves were now experimental subjects. Erian wanted to see the difference between human magic energy and demon magic energy.

'Interesting... the results were even better than I expected. Human magic energy has a very smooth flow like water. Meanwhile, the devil's magic energy is rough like sand. That's what makes demonic magic energy always stronger than human's...'

Erian was so excited to observe the difference in magic energy. He also wrote notes on the results of his research with enthusiasm.

'The devil exerted more effort to channel the magic energy. This is different from humans who can channel magic energy easily. But a weak human body couldn't support too much magic energy like a demon.'

"This is also what makes humans unable to heal the bodies of the demon race. the difference in the flow of magic can cause something as big as this... what extraordinary knowledge...!!"

Erian turned to look at the three Miniars who were lying limp. They had already received the first treatment from a demon who could do healing magic. However, their bodies cannot be restored due to limited magic power.

"Now I will practice the magic I have learned from the demon shaman."

Erian channeled his magic energy slowly and regenerated the patient's body parts. Lost body parts grew back, and his patient's wings recovered in seconds. Erian's magic also strengthens the miniar's body. The results of his research on magic energy made the three Miniars recover. The three were shocked when they saw their bodies recovered.


"is this a dream...?"

"My hand... is back... even my wing too..."

All three Miniars shed tears. They were moved because they did not expect their bodies to recover. They didn't realize that Erian had used them as lab rats. Erian's face radiated a smile full of satisfaction.

"I didn't expect... that magic could even make a living creature's organs recover. No... not recovered... more precisely I made new organs to replace the organs that had been cut off."

"THANK YOU, Your Majesty...!!"

Erian was surprised to see the three Miniars kowtowing while thanking him. He didn't know what to say to the three.

"E-ehem... A Demon King must help his descendants. I hope you can tell me what happened to you and tell me about other Miniar tribes."

The three immediately sat down in an orderly manner. They looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"We will tell you everything... about our tribe's destruction incident."

'So their village had been destroyed... what a shame.'

The miniars tell of attacks by hundreds of monsters. The attack was created because a human has unique abilities. He can create magic that attracts monsters. The humans surrounded miniar village.

Miniar is not a weak creature. Their bodies are small, like dolls, but their magic power is equivalent to a greater demon's. Even the strongest Miniar could be on par with an elder demon. So it is tough for humans to defeat them without proper preparation.

The Miniars are forced to fight against hundreds of monsters. Then the humans also attacked when the miniars were tired. A fierce battle took place, but miniar remained superior in magic power. The fight turned around when a human wizard intervened.

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