Chapter 1

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Scott's POV:

It's been 2 years since Stiles has been missing. He disappeared after I kicked him out of the pack for killing Allison and I don't regret it because he is a murderer. Of course I'm worried about him because none of us have had any contact with him since. Also, the pack doesn't know that I kicked him out. We had looked for him for months but we soon gave up after not finding anything, we just came to the conclusion that he was dead. But that was until today, when the sheriff called me and told me that the FBI had found Stiles, a few missing teenagers, and 2 adults.

Thomas' POV:

Me and the rest of the group had been woken up by a loud crashing noise. We all jumped up ready to defend ourselves. "Put your weapons down it's the FBI," an agent called out. "I'm agent McCall and I'm here to take you home to your family and loved ones!" Agent McCall said while slowly walking towards the group. "Why should we believe you, last time someone said they were here to help us many people died." I said still aiming my gun at him. 

"Wait Stiles?" He asked. "What is a Stiles?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "That's your name. You used to be best friends with my son Scott McCall. You guys were like brothers." He explained. "Sorry to break it to you but my name isn't Stiles and I don't know a Scott McCall." I said. "That doesn't matter right now. Just come with us we can take you somewhere safe." Agent McCall says getting closer to us. "Fine but don't let us down." I said lowering me gun and looking him up and down. 

"Are you sure about this Tommy?" Newt asked, looking over to me. "I don't know but I feel like we can trust them." I explained grabbing his hand. "Okay stop with the lovey dovey stuff." We hear Minho say fake gagging. "Don't act like you don't fancy Aris." Newt teases Minho making him go bright red. "I don't like him." Minho argues trying to hide his red face but fails. "Come on everyone, time to pack up your things." I called to everyone as they hurried away to gather their stuff. I quickly kissed Newt and went to gather my own belongings. After a while we all came together and I explained what's going on. After explaining we followed the Agent McCall and we left the Safe Haven.

Sheriff's POV:

I was at work when I got a call from Rafael McCall saying they had found my son after 2 years. When I got the news I started to cry tears of joy and called Scott since they are bet friends (The Sheriff doesn't know about Thomas being kicked out of the pack). After I explained what happened to Scott he said he was gonna tell the pack. I left work and headed home to make sure everything was ready for when Stiles came back. I look around the now clean room and went to look in Stiles' room. I left it how it was before he disappeared just in case e came back home. And he is. 

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