Chapter 6

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Sheriff's POV:

I was awaken by the sound of screaming, it was coming from Thomas' room and I immediately ran into the room waking him up. "Hey, hey it's ok you're fine." I said trying to calm him down. "ITS MY FAULT THEY'RE DEAD!" He screamed, which made me confused since he has never mentioned about killing people, I'll ask him about it after. "Shhh, you're alright, you're not with WCKD." I said calming him down. Once he was calm I asked him about what happened. "Umm Thomas, what did you mean by it's your fault they are dead?" I asked quietly not trying to pressure him to answer straight away.

"Um, can I explain in the morning I don't feel like talking about it right now and I need the others with me as I explain." He said looking down playing with his fingers. "Sure just get some sleep." I turned to the door and looked nail at him and gave a small smile. 'I wonder what he meant' I thought as I got back into bed as I slowly fall into a deep slumber.

Thomas' POV:

After my dad went back to bed I knew I had to tell him about my group killing to survive and about the people we have lost on the way. Before heading back to bed I text the gc, we have with everyone in, I sent a text to see if anyone was up and I'm not surprised all of them were awake.

Thomas: You guys up?

Newt: Hey Tommy

Teresa: TOM!!!

Gally: Hi greenie

Aris: Most of us had nightmares, so we're all awake. We're all in the living room except you, Teresa and Minho

Teresa: It sucks that we can't be there tonight why can't we even go to your house

Thomas: Because the FBI want us to spend at least one night with our families.

Minho: I don't like my family tho, they keep asking questions and its getting annoying

Newt: What about your sister?

Minho: She's nice. I like her

Sonya: How are your family gonna deal with your sass?

Minho: No clue

After talking with them for an hour, I smiled at my phone and placed it on my bedside table. I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep. I slept the rest of the night without getting another nightmare. When I woke up the next morning I changed into some jeans and a grey long sleeved t-shirt and headed down to make breakfast.

After eating, I make my way to my jeep which according to my father I was obsessed over. Once I got in the jeep I headed towards the pack house so I could meet the others to get the spell. When I entered the house it was chaos, there were pillows all over the place and there was shouting.

"What the hell is going on?" I shouted. "Well, Aris and Sonya were having a pillow fight but instead of hitting Sonya, Aris hit Minho and messed up his hair." Newt explained. "At this point, I'm not even surprised." I said facepalming and then giving Newt a quick kiss. "Calm down babe, I didn't mean to." Aris said going to hug Minho. "Fine, but you don't get any attention for the next week." He said looking down at Aris. "But I didn't mean to." Aris pouted causing Minho to sigh. "To bad." Minho turned towards the door and left to get in the car leaving Aris sad. "Don't worry he'll get over it in a minute." Newt said placing a hand on Aris' shoulder.

"I hope so." Aris said looking down still sad. We decided that me, Newt, Minho, Sonya, and Harriet go in my car. Aris, Gally, Frypan, Teresa, and Vince go in Vince's car. Finally, Jorge and Brenda so in Jorges car. When we get to the vet clinic to get the spell everyone looks really confused because why would it be in a vet clinic. When we got out of our cars a man walked out of the building with a piece of paper which I'm guessing in the spell.

Once we take the spell and head back to the house Jorge gathers all the stuff we need and he starts to cast the spell. After a while, he finished casting the spell and we all felt really dizzy and all of a sudden everything went black.

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