Chapter 7

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Thomas' POV:

When I opened my eyes I wasn't with the group I was in a room with different coloured doors. I opened a red door and I walk inside, when I go through the door I see what I'm guessing is one of my memories. I was in the woods with Scott finding a body and I get caught but Scott doesn't because he isn't with me.

I go to the next memory which is me throwing lacrosse balls at Scott trying to help him control his anger to stop him from shifting. I go to the next door and the door after that and carry on doing that until I have 2 doors left.

I opened the first one and walk in. When I entered I got a feeling like I was surrounded by pure evil. When the memory finally showed up it showed Allison getting stabbed with a sword and everything went silent. Allison was laying in Scott's arms slowly dying and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her she was so young. I felt a tear fall down my cheek I mean who wouldn't cry when their friend dies. It doesn't help that the thing that stabbed her was under my control. Well not mine but the nogitsunes. I was possessed by the nogitsune and I couldn't control myself I mean I understand why the nogitsune is an 1000 year old fox demon it is strong.

I turned and left the memory and went to the last one. I opened it and saw Scott and I in my house arguing. As I watched the memory I started to put the pieces together. I continue to watch and that's when it happened. 

"Stiles your out of the pack we don't except murderers, you killed Allison and Aidan and you killed many more" Scott said showing me his red eyes. When he did, I just stood there shocked. "It's not my fault I was possessed Scott. Also Malia has killed people and she is in the pack." I raised my voice. "She didn't have any control over it, she was a child who had turned into a coyote." Scott snapped back. "And I am only a human who had no control over his body so what's the difference?"

"You know how to deal with the supernatural, you should know how to control yourself and either way you weren't fully possessed by the nogitsune, so you still had some form of control over your body." Scott said raising his voice again once more. "Stiles you are out of the pack and I and't want you anywhere near the pack either." Scott said before leaving the house leaving me there shocked since my so called 'best friend' just kicked me out for a reason I couldn't control.

I exited ht memory and was surrounded by darkness again. When I woke up again I was back in the room with my pack and they were all awake. "Thank god your up we were starting to worry." Newt said pulling me into a hug. "How long was I out for?" I asked. "About an hour," Jorge said walking out from the kitchen. "The first one to wake up was Vince." Jorge said finishing his sentence. "We all were waiting for you to wake up for about 20 minutes." Minho said who was hugging Aris from behind. "Well what did we all see?" Brenda asked curiously which I'm not surprised by.

{Time skip after they all said what they saw}

"So we all had pretty normal lives except for Minho, Teresa, and Thomas?" Frypan said looking around at the group. "Pretty much." I said looking down at the floor. "And Thomas just so you know I'm not mad at you for what you did to my sister, you had no choice. You couldn't control your own body." Teresa said giving me a reassuring smile. "Thanks but I still feel guilty." I said looking at her. "Don't be, we all have done some messed up stuff but it's life, we deal with it." Teresa said giving me a quick hug before walking back over to Brenda.

"Now, who wants to help me kill Scott and his pack?" I heard Vince say. "ME!" The whole pack said excitedly. "Don't kill them, I'm pretty sure the pack doesn't know because of the way they acted when they saw me at the station." I said stopping then in their tracks. "And Minho do you really want to kill your own sister?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I mean no because she is my twin and I was close with her before being kidnapped." He sighed. "Exactly so sit back down." I said glaring at him. They all sat down and we started to talk about our past with our families. After about 3 hours of talking and watching films. We all headed to bed all the couples shared a room with their partner. 

I ended up falling asleep with Newt in my arms. I couldn't sleep for about an hour so I just laid there admiring my boyfriend. Before I dozed off to sleep I kissed Newts head and whispered something in his ear even though I knew I wouldn't get a reply. "Goodnight love."

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