Chapter 3

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Thomas' POV:

We are all talking in our room when Agent McCall came in to talk to us. "So we have found out if you have families or not, we found out that 5 of you have a family or at least 1 family member and we also found out that some of you have had your name changed." Agent McCall said while looking at a file.

"Sonya your real name is Elizabeth but you go by Lizzy for short, Teresa your name is Sarah, Minho your real name is Jun, Frypan you sadly don't have any family but your name was Oliver, and finally Thomas like I have said before your name is Stiles." Agent McCall continued looking up from the file to look at us. "What type of name is Stiles?" Gally said with a look of confusion. "Stiles is a nickname since no one could pronounce his actual name even he couldn't. The closes he could get to his name was mischief." Agent McCall said answering Gally's question.

"Mischief does go with his personality." Minho pointed out making the group laugh. "Min shut up before I turn your hair pink again." I said rolling my eyes. "You wouldn't." He said, worried. "Oh, I would." I smirked. "Ok, I'm gonna stay quiet now." Minho says shutting up. "Now that, that's over which of us have families or at least 1 family member?" Newt says getting back on topic. 

"Right well, Newt and Sonya you guys are brother and sister, you also have an older brother which is Newts twin but we haven't been able to contact him." Agent McCall said looking back at the file which I'm guessing has all of our information on. "I always thought we had a connection" Sonya says hugging Newt. "Minho you have a mother, father, and a twin sister who lives in Beacon Hills. Teresa you have a father in Beacon Hills as well but you did also use to have a sister. And finally Thomas, you have a father in Beacon Hills as well." Agent McCall said closing the file and looking at us all.

"So all of your threes families are in Beacon Hills so you guys don't have to be separated." Agent McCall said finishing off his sentence. "What happened to my sister?" Teresa said looking sad. "She was killed by one of her friends but he wasn't in control he was possessed." He sighed. "Thanks for telling me." She says with tears in her eyes. I feel bad for her, she didn't even get a chance to see her sister. "Anyways, I have contacted your families and they will be here tomorrow to take you home." Agent McCall says turning towards the door. "What about the people who don't have families?" I asked worriedly.

"We have agreed that Jorge and Vince can adopt the ret of you." Agent McCall says smiling at us. "Wait really?" Everyone but Jorge and Vince says. "Yep, you guys can decided who adopts who and you can come and find me for the adoption papers." He said looking at us all. "Agent is there a way we can change our names legally to Thomas, Teresa, Sonya, and Minho?" Teresa asked. "I can see what I can do." Agent McCall said before leaving the room.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Aris said turning to the two adults. "Wanted it to be a surprise." Jorge explained. "So now who wants to adopt who?" Vince said as he sat down. "I think we let them decide." Jorge said turning his attention to Vince.

After talking we decided that Jorge would adopt Brenda, Gally, Newt, Sonya, and Vince would adopt Aris, Frypan, and Harriet. They got adoption papers from Agent McCall and signed then. After, we all just sat in our room and spoke until we fell asleep at 1am.

Scott's POV: 

I've been thinking about Stiles ever since the Sheriff had called me and now I'm wondering should I tell the pack that I kicked him out. I haven't told them because I know that they would say it's my fault that he disappeared. I hope that he isn't mad at me for kicking him out bt he did kill Allison, Aidan, and many more. He knew my number one rule was no killing, he might have been possessed but he still had a bit of control over his body. He could've stopped void from killing them but he didn't and I will never forgive him for that.

I decided to call the pack and tell them that the FBI had found Stiles but obviously I'm not telling them about what I did. The first person I called was Maria since they are dating. They started dating before I kicked him out and before he disappeared. She was happy that he has been found and so was everyone else except for Ethan since he is still upset with Stiles for killing his brother which I understand.

When I called Kira to tell her about Stiles she said the FBI had found her twin brother who disappeared 5 years ago. I'm happy for her since she has spoken about her brother before and how much she misses him. We decided that the pack was gonna go with the Sheriff to go get Stiles. Hopefully, he doesn't tell the pack about what I did because if he did it would be chaos. Who knows what would happen, the pack could leave me and join Stiles or they would agree with me and leave Stiles. I just hope nothing goes wrong.

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