Chapter 9

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Lydia's POV:

WHAT THE HELL IS SCOTTS PROBLEM!!! He needs to see that it wasn't Stiles fault that lots of people died. If I have to I will lock Scott and Malia in a room so she can knock some sense into him. Seriously, Stiles was his best friend and he just starts calling him a murderer. He's honestly pissing me off. When I got home, I changed into some comfy clothes and got Ito bed. Since I couldn't sleep, I called Malia and we spoke about the whole Scott situation. We agreed that we are staying away from him until he sees that Stiles is innocent. 

Malia messaged Ethan because he is still upset with Stiles, and she spoke to him and he eventually forgave Stiles and understood that it wan't really him but the nogitsune. After talking to Malia and Ethan I headed to bed with the thought 'Will Stiles forgive us?'

Minho's POV:

When we all woke up, from getting our memories back, we were discussing what we should do about the McCall pack. Obviously Jorge, Brenda, and Gally wanted to kill them for hurting Thomas, but Thomas wouldn't allow that since he was friends with them before and most of them are nice, he didn't really care about Scott though.

After discussing and deciding to just ignore them for now since we don't want a war. We went shopping for some new clothes since the only clothes we have are the ones we had in the Safe Haven and they are a bit tight. As we were looking around we bumped into two members of the McCall pack. I think their names were Jackson and Ethan. Anyways, when we bumped into them they didn't try to attack us, but something that confused us was the fact that they smiled at us and walked past. 

"Umm, does anyone else think that was really weird?" I asked my friends. "Yep." I heard Harriet say from behind me. "Do you think they're up to something?" Aris asked. "I don't think so." Thomas said turning to look at us. "What do you mean?" Sonya asked looking a bit confused. "He isn't that stupid, he probably doesn't even know they are here." He answered as he carried on walking leaving us a bit confused. I'm guessing Scott didn't let his pack go out much since Thomas said he probably didn't know they were here.

After walking around and buying stuff for a few hours, we headed back to Thomas' house and stayed there for about 3 hours. We all headed home and got some rest since we were being made to go to school. Which I find ridiculous since WCKD gave us all the knowledge we need in life.

When I got home, I saw Kira and my father in the living room watching the TV. I walked over to them and said goodnight and walked up the stairs and took a shower as I was laying in bed, I couldn't sleep because my thoughts were full of Aris 'I still can't believe he's finally my boyfriend'

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