Chapter 13

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Unknown's POV:

I watch the group of friends walk into the school and I can tell this is going to be fun. I'm going to get my revenge. I deserve to get revenge, because of Thomas I lost everything.

Thomas' POV:

When the group and I got to school we could hear everyone whispering about us. Which I don't blame them we look hot. Not only are the students gossiping about us but Scott is glaring at us, he thinks he can intimidate us, even tho he looks like a lost puppy. We met up with Lydia, Malia, Jackson, and Ethan and we spoke to them for a while until me and the rest of the group had to go get our schedules from the office. 

We look at our schedules and see we all have the same lessons except for Sonya and Aris obviously with them being a year young then us. We separated from Sonya and Aris but I had this feeling we were being watched. "Does anyone else feel like we are big watched?" Gally turned to the group. "I thought I was the only one." I looked over at him as everyone stopped walking. "We should just go to class we can worry about it later." Newt said as he started walking towards our lesson. 

"You heard the mother." Minho said in a mocking tone. "Watch it Minho." Newt said turning to Minho and pointing a finger at him. "What you do act like a mom though." Minho smirked as he walked past Newt and into the classroom. "Time for torture." Brenda complained as she followed Minho.

We all walked into the class and let's just say the teacher wasn't very happy with us. "You lot are late!" He scolded us. "Sorry coach we had to get our schedules from the office." I said heading towards an empty seat in the back as the others followed me. 

"Bilinski?"Coach said with a surprised look. "Yes coach?" I raised an eyebrow. "Where have you been the past two years?" He asked still looking shocked. "You know, everywhere." I rolled my eyes. "See you still have the same sarcasm." I said annoyed. "It's my specialty." I smiled sarcastically (what a surprise). "Anyways moving on." The entire lesson the group and I did absolutely nothing and it was the same all day.

{Time skip to after school at the group house}

"How was school you lot?" Vince said as we entered the house. "Boring, except the glares from Scott they were very entertaining." I said as we all headed into the living room after throwing our bags on the floor. "Also the constant feeling like someone was watching us." Aris said throwing himself on the sofa. "Actually, I know someone is watching us." He continued saying. "How are you so certain?" Teresa walked into the living room returning with a glass of water. 

"Sit down, all of you are going to want to hear this. Thomas already knows about this." Aris sighed. "Basically, last night I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk and while I was out I bumped into Ethan but he wasn't in the best situation. Some supernatural creature had pined him to the ground trying to claw out his throat. When I saw him pinned to the ground I ran and threw the creature of him. I helped Ethan up and I looked towards where I had threw the creature and saw it fading into the darkness of the woods but the creature had these bright white eyes and sharp teeth. I never got a proper look but from what I did see it looked like a ghoul and it's been watching us. I was in class and I got the feeling someone was watching me so I looked around the room couldn't find anyone looking at me so I looked out the window and I saw the same bright white eyes looking at me." Aris explained while the others listened carefully.

After listening to what Aris wanted to say I can tell that we have a supernatural problem to deal with. "So we just had to deal with WCKD and now we are possibly dealing with ghouls? Bloody hell I just want a peaceful life." Newt sigh as he cuddled into me. "We all do, hopefully this is the last thing new have to deal with." I said as I played with his hair. 

"We should probably tell Malia, Lydia, Ethan, and Jackson about this." I finished saying. "Why? They aren't part of the pack." Gally complained (as he usually does). "Even if they aren't officially part of the pack. They are still friends with Thomas and if they are going to be with us most of the time they are going to need to know." Frypan said smacking Gally around the head. "We can explain everything to them tomorrow when you lot finish school, you can bring all four of them to the house." Jorge said getting up from the sofa and heading into the kitchen to start cooking. 

We all separate from the living room and go our own ways, most of us going to our rooms, before heading to mine and Newts room, I decided to call an old friend of mine who I got in contact with yesterday since I missed them. 

Thomas: Hey are you busy?

???: Hey Tom, no I'm not busy right now what do you need?

Thomas: I need your help with something. 

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