Chapter 10

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Ethan's POV:

I've been thinking ever since Stiles came back. In all honesty it wasn't his fault that Aidan died, to was the fucking nogistune. I get that he was possessed but at the time they were separated and two different people. I don't get why Scott is being such a dick to Stiles. I want to be friends with him again but Scott being the alpha it's kinda hard since it's hard to disobey your alpha.

With all these thoughts running through my head, I decided to go on a run in the woods to clear my mind. After about 2 hours of running I decided to take a break and call Jackson sine I forgot to tell him where I was going.

While I was sitting down I heard a noise, I turned towards the noise and saw something in the shadows. I walked closer to get a better look. When I got close enough to get a look it looked like some sort of creature. I got to close and I got tackled to the floor and the creature started attacking me trying to claw at my throat.

Out off no where the creature is thrown off of me and into a tree, I look to see who got the creature off me and saw one off Stiles' friends. "You alright mate?" He asked worried. "Do I look alright?" I said annoyed. I mean come on, I'm covered in blood. "Right sorry...I'm Aris by the way." He held his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Ethan." I said taking his hand.

"What are you doing out here at 2am?" He asked while starting to walk. "I had to clear my head." I replied following him. "What you thinking about?" He glanced over at me. "Why would I tell you, I've just met you." I rolled my eyes. He stoped walking and turned to me, "Because I'm a great secret keeper." He smiled. I sighed and I started telling him about my thoughts on becoming friends with Stiles or Thomas as he knows him. He said he would talk to Sti-Thomas for me so Thomas and I can be friends once again. Now my main problem is Scott. I have to figure out a way to get Scott to stop being a massive dick.

After talking with Aris I headed back to the pack house and when I got in my room I was tackled by Jackson. "Where have you been for the past 4 hours?" He asked clearly worried about me. "I messaged you saying where I was." I said changing out of my sweaty clothes. "No you didn't...wait my phone is dead." He sighed. "You seriously need to charge your phone."I said getting into bed. 

"Babe, why was their blood all over your clothes before?" He asked once again worried. "I was attacked by some creature but luckily Aris was there to help." I explained cuddling into him. "Who's Aris?" He asked. "One of Thomas' friends or Stiles whatever you want to call him." I explained. "Well since he helped my boyfriend, I like him." He smiled and cuddled into me. "Go to sleep now, it's really late." I said before turning the lamp on our bedside table off and getting comfy.

Aris' POV:

After leaving Ethan I went back home and messaged Thomas saying how Ethan wanted to be friends with him and how he didn't want Scott to be his alpha anymore. I looked at the time and I knew in the morning I would be really moody since it's now 4am and I haven't gotten any sleep. I may be a vampire and don't need sleep but I do like sleeping it makes me more relaxed in the morning. I changed into some joggers and one of Minho's hoodies (which he doesn't know I stole) and got into bed and I slowly started to fall into a dreamless slumber.

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