Chapter 7

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⚠️WARNING: cuss words & violence

Marc & Steven mixed W/3rd Person POV

Song: Nothing is Lost by The Weeknd

        As Marc and Steven walked through the tunnel, they were met with what seemed like some sort of fake village in the middle of the room. Once again the design of the room was similar to the coliseum is, much like the other room. The village being in the middle of the room while everyone was higher up to be able to see what was going down. As I walked around a bit, looking at the walls with carvings, I noticed what seemed like a small platform in the middle of the room. I thought nothing of it since it was maybe just an accidental placement or just how the pyramid was build. I didn't bother trying to find Layla as much as I had the other day. I found a spot and stuck with it. As I sat down on the sandstone seats, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. "Hey, you feeling ok?" I heard Layla's voice. "Yea, yea I'm fine. My body is just sore. Nothing too major." "Thats's Steven doing?" She spoke a bit softer this time. And just like that Steven took over the body. "I'm alright love, like Marc said, we're just a bit sore." I gave a bit of a light chuckle to reassure her. I can see how her body relaxed a bit more after I spoke. "Alright Steven...glad to see you guys getting better" she gave me a small smile that just made me melt. I don't know what it was about her, but I couldn't help myself to not loving her. "Steven, give me the body." I can hear Marc in my head, speaking in a somewhat angered voiced. My heart would always ache when I had to surrender the body to him when Layla was around. He's doing this to protect her from us, which I can somewhat understand. But she understands us now...she understands how we are. She understands that there is more than one person in this body. I'm doing this because Marc doesn't want us to hurt her...well, he doesn't want to hurt her again. I would have never done such a thing to someone as wonderful as she is. "Steven, now...please" I sighed slightly, looking at Layla one last time before Marc took over. I can tell how disappointed she was when I took over the body. She doesn't have to say it, I know her well enough to know when she was upset. I've hurt her enough to know that face. I then heard the sound of Osiris wooden staff bang on the floor. "Hello everyone. Welcome to the second day. Today we will be testing your intelligence, along with stealth. Seeing how smart you are to retrieve the flag and be undetected." I looked to the side and saw one of the other gods begin to walk up. And right beside them was two other people. One I'm assumed was the avatar and the other was the devil himself. "Your goal is to sneak around this makeshift village, steal the flag, and return back unharmed and unnoticed. But there is a catch. You will be doing this in the dark, as well as in the rain." And with that the avatar and god raised their hands slightly. "That must be Tefnut. The goddess of water." Steven spoke in a bit of excitement. Any moisture in the room seemed to be sucked out to form a small cloud over the middle. Rain begin to lightly pour down into the makeshift village. It was easier to see what was specifically inside the village since I decided to sit closer to the front. It wasn't because I wanted to be first in line to try this contraption. No. I wanted to see Reaper up close. See how they move, how they react, how they respond. "To show you how this will work, Reaper, the avatar of Anubis, to show you what is needed to be done. Any traps they may come across or you may notice will change the moment you step into this arena. Good Luck." And with that Reaper walked in with cage closing right behind them.


(Song: Lust by Freddie Dredd)

        As I walked into the makeshift village, I stood there for a moment, taking in my environment. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly. "Clam. Relax. Feel the rain drops fall onto you. Hear the rain dropping on the buildings. Listen for the enemy. Hear how the rain pattern changes sound when it hits something. Objective, get the flag, don't get caught, kill if you must. No chains attached, only hand held." I then slowly reached to my hip to feel the handles of my knives. My knuckles were probably white from how hard my grip was. I slowly unsheathed my knives from their placement and held them by my side. "Hide in the shadows, narrow your eyes, block out any noise and just...focus..." As my breath turns shallow, being barely audible for anyone to hear, I let out one final breath, and opened my eyes with my brows furrowed. I ran into the village, barely even seeing what's in front of me. I rolled to hide behind the building as I could hear the steps of jackals walking by slightly. Everything I had to do was based off my hearing, using my eyes were useless at this point. I slowly rose up from my knees into a crouching position. I tried to tell if there was any jackals on the top of the roofs so it would be easier for me to sneak past the first few on the ground. Slowly began to backup from the wall, once I saw I was at a good enough distance I ran as fast as I could and used the building wall to wall run slightly. Once one of my foot was on the wall, I used the momentum I had and jumped up. I fell in the roof with a light thud, immediately going back down into a crouching position to not get detected by the Jackals. I began to walk as slowly as I could, not telling what could be in front of me. The gravel on the roof lightly rolled when my foot would step down. But as I stepped down lightly, I heard the sound of a light click. "Shit" I thought. It was a trigger for a trap. I couldn't tell if I set it off or not. I didn't hear anything approaching me, nothing sounded disturbed. I began to lightly take my foot off the trigger and prepared for the worse. Once my foot was completely off, I sent my foot down next to me as I tried to hear for any sign of the trap being in use. "You got fucking lucky." I breathed out a bit of a shaky breath at the realization of not setting the trap off. I looked to the side to barely see the edge of the building appear. That was my best bet. I slowly began to walk towards the edge and continued my mission. I trusted my self enough to know what I was going, slightly too confident that I had found a way to get to the flag without getting detected. The only light I could see was the fire by the flag from the other side of the arena. As I got closer to my target, my eyesight began to come in handy. Once the building came to an end, I jumped as far as I could to the next. Roof jumping from one building to the next, stepping as lightly as I could. I came to a halt when I came to my last building. I looked up seeing the flag next to the fire, as well as being guarded by five jackals with armor. "Guess it's the ground from here...unless..." I slowly looked up to see nothing up on the roof. My head tilted slightly as I pondered on whether I should take the roof or not. "Fuck it, why not." I pulled out my scythes, carefully unraveling the chain as best I could without them rattling. I began to swing my scythe to get some momentum before tossing it at the roof of the building. As I heard the scythe latch onto the roof, I tugged on it to make sure it could handle my weight. I backed up as much as I could before I began to run. With one final leap, I swung to the other side. My feet out in front of me to help the impact of my body against the body not make as much noise. It was the pain the ass for my leg to hit the building that hard, but I had no choice but to keep going. I began to ascend to the top, step by step, grabbing the chain as I continued to climb. The moment I reached the top, I made the jackal ears that my suit had peak over the edge slightly to hear for anything. I heard the gravel shifting slightly. "Pinche madre" I cursed out in Spanish under my breath. With one final push, I lifted myself over the ledge and immediately ran to the jackals. My hand steady as I gripped my knives firmly and threw them, aiming for their throats. As they tried to scream, I grabbed my knives once again and cut its head cleaned off as quick as I could. The next tried its best to squeal, to make any sort of noise but couldn't. As quick as I had ended the last jackal, I quickly took my knife out and proceeded to do the same thing again. I panted lightly as I tried to catch a little bit of air before walking off to an opening of the roof. As I looked down, there I saw the flag placed on a gold plate. "It's weighted. Great" I rolled my eyes at the thought of the flag being on a trap. I looked to my cape and immediately tore a piece off. "It'll come back." I shrugged. I placed my scythe on the ledge of the building and walked to the opening of the roof, grabbing the chain lightly as it slid across my hand as I walked with the other end of my scythe on my hip. I kneeled to the floor before dangling my body inside the building. I let one of my hands let go of the ledge and grabbed the chain once again. I let out a shaky breath as my other hand let go and quickly grab the chain. I began to lower myself slowly as I tried not to alert the other jackals around.

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