Girl Talk

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It was finally Saturday and I was so excited.  We went to our lacrosse training session and everything was going great until mr. captain of the football team came in.  Apparently he did not take my utter refusal very well.  By the time he came in we were technically done but we were answering more specific questions while some of the kids left.  One girl had a ton of questions and eventually everyone had left and she was still asking questions.  

"Kate, stop bothering them," a woman exclaimed as she walked in with a boy around 10 years old.  

"Yeah, I want to" he paused mid sentence when he saw the football guy, "That's Zachary White.  Can I have your autograph please?" the boy was practically begging him.  I felt the girl's anger from where I was. 

"Brothers are so annoying," Kate exclaimed.  Zachary was giving the boy an autograph and I bent down to Kate's level.  

"Boys are annoying and they always will be but your brother is your family appreciate it not everyone gets that lucky," I explained to her and she hugged me.  

Zachary POV

I usually didn't give out my autograph but I wanted to ask about Firefly.  He walked up to me and had a huge smile on his face.  "I'll give you an autograph if you can tell me her name," I whispered to the kid.  

"Which one?" he asked me.  

"Brown hair," I stated without even looking at them.  

"Violeta Kelce.  She is some super good lacrosse player that my sister has been going on and on about," the boy ranted.  I smiled and gave him his autograph.  After they left, I just watched them.  

"Are you just going to be creepy or do you actually have something to say?" Firefly asked me.  Her voice was annoyingly perfect.  

"Firefly, no need to be sassy.  I just wanted to know who you are," I stated.  

Violeta POV

"Firefly, no need to be sassy. I just wanted to know who you are," he stated with an annoying smirk on his face.  

"First of all, don't call me that.  Second of all, I will be however I want to be.  Also you are doing a terrible job at figuring out who I am considering you aren't even asking anything," I was fuming.  There was no reason for him t be this infuriating.  

"Violeta Kelce.  Jason Kelce's little sister and a lacrosse prodigy," he stated smugly.  I rolled my eyes.  

"Nice job.  You learned how to use google," I mocked him.  

"Actually I asked one of the kids not google," he explained.  I was about to say something when he started talking again, "I wanted to make my own opinion about you, Firefly."  

Lana and I had finished cleaning up so I just walked out.  I can not wait to get off this campus.  

Lana POV

Violeta just walked away, leaving me alone with him.  "What are my chances?" I heard him say which directed my attention back to him.  I laughed a little.  

"I think that she would rather die than date someone," I spoke not really considering it.  "But I don't think I have ever seen her react so negatively to a person so use that information however you want."  I walked out and met Violeta who was leaning against the wall outside the building we were in.  I was just excited to go to the concert.  

Violeta POV

Taylor sent me bar codes for our tickets and we got in just fine.  The crowd was a good crowd and most of them knew me and a good amount of them also knew Lana.  I hadn't really noticed that Taylor and our audiences were pretty much the same.  The fans there were freaking out that we were there and about Taylor.  

During the concert, Lana and I were singing along to the songs and I was hyper aware of the amount of cameras on me.  Usually I would consider the repercussions of my actions but when I was near Taylor I couldn't be anything other than myself.  

After we went backstage and met up with Taylor.  "Hey Tay, that was amazing," I exclaimed when I saw Taylor.  She smiled.  

"That was actually amazing, Taylor.  You are so talented," Lana complimented Taylor and I could tell that she appreciated it.  

"Taylor, who are your friends?" I heard a woman ask.  There was a man standing next to her, her parents probably.  

"Mom, dad, this is Violeta and Lana," Taylor introduced us to her parents.  

"You can call me Andrea.  I have heard quite a bit about you," Andrea said as she hugged both of us.  

"Scott," her dad said as he offered a hand to shake.  I smiled.  

"We should go out to dinner," Taylor suggested and I gave her a look.  She took a deep breath and continued, "I know that no one is supposed to know that we are friends but I mean you are already at my concert."  

"Wait since when was no one supposed to know?" Lana asked.  

"It was just easier but I mean whatever now I guess," I explained.  Taylor smiled and she hugged me.  This was the first time that I noticed that she felt restricted by the fame.  I was going to stand by her as much as I could and for as long as I could.  

We went out to dinner and it was fun.  "So did I miss anything in the last three days?" Taylor asked and Lana let out a slight cough that caused Taylor to raise an eyebrow at her.  

"There's a boy that seems to be obsessed with Violeta," Lana started and I play punched her and she looked at me with a fake expression of pain.  "Oh come on, he calls you FIrefly."  

"WAIT he gave you a nickname that is so cute," Taylor exclaimed.  "What's his name?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes before letting out a sigh of relief.  

"Zachary White," I stated and Taylor pulled out her phone.  I looked over her shoulder as she pulled up his Instagram and started scrolling.  

"He's hot," Taylor muttered as she continued scrolling.  

"I know right, you should totally date him," Lana jumped in.

"I don't do long-distance dating.  It's annoying," I stated leaving no room for argument.  

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