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Zach and I jetted off to our honeymoon the day after our wedding.  We went to the Maldives and surprisingly most people didn't recognize us.  The crystal-clear turquoise waters, powdery white sand, and palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze create a picture-perfect paradise. We relaxed on the beach, soaked up the sun, as well as snorkeling and diving in the vibrant coral reefs made the trip completely unforgettable.  We stayed in an overwater bungalow and it was absolutely magical. 

Neither of us wore our wedding rings outside of the comfort of our bungalow.  We decided that we would wait to tell the world that we were married so that we could just enjoy it.  We were walking down the beach on our last night in the Maldives.  "Firefly, I know that when we get back, everything is going to be completely insane and both of us have a lot of work to catch up on but I want to get on the same page about something," Zach said as we were walking.  We were holding hands and he refused to meet my eyes. 

"Zach, you can talk about anything," I said reassuring him. 

"I don't want us to drift apart, this is the most time that I have ever spent with you and I have loved every second of it.  I want to make sure that we both make an effort to be at home as much as possible," Zach continued.  I knew that it was killing him to ask me to be less ambitious about what I do but he didn't deserve to spend so much time by himself. 

"I promise that I will stay in town as much as I can but I will say that I want to go to some of Jason's games.  He is my brother," I drew my line in the sand.  I loved him but my brother deserved to have me by his side as much as Zach does. 

"I would never ask you to stop seeing your brother, Firefly," Zach stated.  We stopped and sat down on the beach staring out into the sea.  I realized that he was talking about my random work trips and conferences.  I could do that for him and I will. 

"Good," I said and we sat there in a comfortable silence.  When the two of us were together, I could never get bored, just being with him was enough for me.  I knew how lucky I was to find someone so good for me. 

When we flew back to Kansas City, we tried to draw as little attention as possible.  I had been checking up on who knew where we were and there was speculation but no proof.  Zach and I just kept our mouths shut and went straight to our house after landing. 

When we walked in the door, I could hear Travis shushing something.  I looked at Zach confused and he started laughing.  "Travis," he said between laughs.  I saw Travis walk in and he had the most adorable husky in his arms. 

"You didn't," I said to both of them and I went over to take the puppy from Travis.  The dog had brilliant blue eyes and she was so fluffy that I just wanted to hug her and never let go.  "Explain," I said as I continued to hug her. 

"I wanted to get you a memorable wedding present so I asked Zach what you would want," Travis started and Zach interrupted him. 

"I would like to point out that you were already going to get a dog even if Travis didn't ask but I gave him my idea," Zach pointed out and I smiled.  I walked over to Zach and he started petting the puppy. 

"What's her name?" I asked them and they both looked at me.  "I am not picking," I said.  I am extremely bad at naming things so it was going to be one of them. 

"How about Glacier?" Zach asked.  I loved that. 

"That's fitting," Travis said.

"I love her name," I said as I gave her to Zach.  I went and hugged Travis.  "Thank you," I thanked him and he smiled. 

"Always, Vi.  You deserve the best," Travis said and I smiled.  "I'll let you guys get to know Glacier and enjoy your evening before your bubble gets popped."  We both said bye to Travis and he left. 

"I guess I should give you my present now," I said and he smiled. 

"I didn't know you got me anything," Zach remarked.  I rolled my eyes and walked away to go get it.  I came back downstairs, where Zach was, and handed him the three boxes.  I got him a pair of Nike air maxes, a chain, and a customized Rolex. 

"Thank you," Zach said as he put the watch and chain on.  He kissed me.  "You really don't have to spend money on me, Firefly." 

"Do you know how much money I have?" I asked him. 

"Not exactly but I know you're a millionaire," Zach replied.  I started nervous laughing and he looked at me with a slight glare.  "How much money do you have?" He asked me. 

"Technically it's we now," I said and he was definitely glaring now.  "I'm a billionaire," I whispered. 

"What was that?" Zach asked. 

"Billionaire," I said and his eyes went wide.  "I am a billionaire," I restated.  We never really talked about money because I was set and he makes a decent amount of money.  It really wasn't a problem. 

"How did I not know that?" Zach asked.

"What difference does it make?" I asked him and he paused. 

"I would never pretend to love you because of your money.  I don't care how much money you have.  I just don't know how I didn't notice," Zach reassured me. 

"I don't really pay attention to it.  I have a bunch of brand deals and I own a few companies so it is a constant income.  The amount that I spend usually rebuilds itself," I explained.  He switched topics, that went a lot better than I thought that conversation would go.  I was actually avoiding it. 

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