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I got to my house and I immediately went the twins room.  I kissed both of their heads and started talking to Lana and Kayley.  "Your babies are absolute angels," Lana said. 

"Definitely," Kayley agreed and I laughed. 

"We'll see how long that lasts," I joked.  They both smiled. 

"How do you plan to keep all of this under wraps?  I mean people are going to start asking questions," Lana asked. 

"I plan to keep it quiet as long as I can, they deserve to have a semi normal life," I responded and Kayley looked at me. 

"You are a billionaire and your husband plays for the NFL.  They aren't normal kids, they are going to have the world to their disposal.  The sooner you accept that, the better off they'll be," Kayley told me. 

"Plus, you are a role model for girls everywhere.  You are a hall of fame athlete.  People aren't going to go after your kids but they will celebrate them," Lana added.  I knew that the two of them were right but I wanted them to be normal.  I wanted them to have every opportunity to be kids as I can give them. 

Zach POV

I stayed in Las Vegas until Travis left to go to Taylor's concert.  When I got back to my house, it was night time so I went in as quietly as I could.  I put my stuff in our bedroom and noticed that Vi wasn't in bed but I hadn't seen her anywhere else so I went into the twins room.  She a comforter on the ground in between the twins cribs and she was sleeping on it.  I walked over and knelt down next to her and kissed her head.  Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.  

"What are you doing home?" She whispered to me.  

"Says the one on the floor," I replied.  She laughed and pulled me down so that I was laying down next to her.  She put her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around her.  "I missed you," I whispered after we laid there for a while.  

"I missed you too," She responded.  I kissed her head again and we feel asleep like that.  There are so many moments in my life that Vi has made unforgettable and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.  

Violeta POV

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing.  I looked at the caller ID before I picked it up.  "What Tree?" I asked answering the phone.  

"Sorry to wake you but I just sent you an article.  They know that you gave birth to twins and they know their birthday.  Vi you have a leak in your inner circle," Tree stated.  I technically didn't have a publicist but Tree always helped me when I needed it and she never tried to sugar coat it.  I quickly swiped out and started reading the article.  It didn't list a lot of detail but it was enough that there was no way that someone just guessed.  

"How did this happen?" I asked.  I couldn't believe that this was happening.  No one that I told would have told the media.  How did this get out?

"Violeta, I seriously suggest that you take a deep breath before you start accusing people," Tree's voice said in the background.  I was in panic mode and it wasn't something that I would have been able to do.  My brain stopped and I took a deep breath to think.  

"What are my options?" I asked Tree.  She hesitated to answer me.  

"You have two options: You could pretend that it isn't happening and it could die out or you could go no contact with the world," Tree said.  

"That would include my inner circle, wouldn't it?" I asked confirming my suggestions.  

"Yes it would.  Violeta this is a huge decision to make and it shouldn't be taken lightly," Tree stared and I stopped her.  

"We are doing it.  I will send you all of my inner circles numbers and you can tell them not to reach out, all of them.  Until I know who told the media, I won't answer anyone.  No matter how much it hurts," I said and I hung up the phone.  I felt Zach hugged me and I started crying.  This was a huge decision and I didn't know how this would go.  Zach texted Tree the numbers and we both silenced our phones.  This was going to get really bad.  

Tree POV

I can't believe that this is what Violeta wanted to do but I had to honor her wishes.  

Hello friends and family of Violeta and Zach.  This is Tree Paine and I have been dealt the responsibility of informing you that you are no longer to contact either of them.  Someone leaked information about their children to the press and until that person comes forward, Violeta and Zach have decided to go no contact.  Any attempts to reach out will be denied.  If you show up at their house, their security will no allow you to get to the door.  I hope that you all understand how emotional this situation is and choose to respect their decision.  

I hit send.  I immediately got a phone call from Taylor.  "Tree.  You have to be joking," Taylor said when I picked up the phone and I sighed.  

"She is protecting her children, Taylor.  That is her job as a mother and right now, that is her only priority.  Taylor, I am going to find the leak as fast as I can because I know that this is tearing Violeta apart already," I told Taylor.  I heard her sniffle through the phone and it hit me that she had never been cut off from Violeta.  "Call Travis, he can help you," I said and I hung up the phone.  

Travis POV

I was at the gym and my phone started ringing.  I looked to see who it was and saw that Taylor was calling.  "Hey Tay," I said after I picked up and I heard her crying.  "Baby, you are going to be okay just take a deep breath," I waited a second before continuing, "Can you tell me why you are crying?"  

"Look at your texts," Taylor said through sniffles.  I read the text from Tree and I immediately realized what was going on.  

"Taylor, Zach will take care of her and I'll take care of you.  I am on my way home, I will be there soon, Baby," I said hanging up the phone.  I was surprised that I didn't get a ticket on my way home.  

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