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"Good evening and welcome to the Oscars 2024!  I am your host, Jimmy Kimmel and I was going to start off today with a joke but I received some exciting news so everyone give a round of applause for Janet Yang," Jimmy announced and everyone clapped.  

"Hello, everyone.  For those of you who don't know I am the president of the academy.  The Oscars are an annual award ceremony and all but one Oscar is presented annually.  There is an award that I as the president have to nominate someone for which doesn't happen ever year.  In fact, it hasn't happened in 71 years but I decided to nominate this year.  Members of every faction have to agree that this person in deserving and I am happy to say that they did.  So I am proud to announce that because of her major contributions to sound production in television as a whole, the Oscar goes to Violeta Kelce," she announced.  I didn't even believe that she just said my name.  My eyes widened in shock and I was to stunned to move.  Zach put his hand on my shoulder.  

"Go get your Oscar, Firefly," Zach said, snapping me out of it.  I walked up onto the stage and Janet hugged me before handing the Oscar to me.  I walked over to the podium.  

"I am speechless.  I don't know what to say.  This is an amazing honor and thank you to everyone who voted for me.  Also thank you for everyone who gave me a shot when I reached out.  Good luck to everyone nominated and thank you again," I said with tears forming in my eyes.  I rushed through because I did not want to start crying.  When I got back to my table, my eyes locked wit Taylor and that was when I realized.  "You knew," I said and she smiled.  

"I was asked to ensure your attendance so I kind of figured," Taylor said and Travis gasped.  

"You didn't tell me," Travis said and Taylor just smiled before turning her attention to the stage.  The rest of the night went by pretty fast and before I knew it, it was over.  We exited the event and walked out on the red carpet.  When we got to the end, there was a jet-back convertible and the person driving got out and offered us the keys.  Zach took it and all four of us got in the car.  

We considered going to the after-party but instead decided to go to a private stretch of the beach.  Taylor and I both took our heels off and we walked a few steps in front of the boys down the beach.  "I am so glad that I was there with you when you won," Taylor admitted and I smiled.  

"So am I.  We have never been able to celebrate together," I said as I started humming.  She rolled her eyes but started singing the lyrics.  We wrote a chorus to a song and every time we sang the song, the verses changed depending on what we were doing.  

Zach POV

Taylor and Vi barely ever actually sang together so when I heard Vi start humming Travis and I shared a look.  "Are they seriously creating a song?" Travis asked me and I laughed.  

"It's amazing," I said and I took my phone out.  I wanted to save this moment because I didn't think that there were any recordings of them singing together.  When they were nearing the end, I saw Vi turn her head towards us.  

We had to turn around and walk back to the car and when we did Vi snatched my phone.  She played the video at full volume.  "Wait why does that actually sound good?" Taylor asked coming over to watch the video.  

"You are so right, do we always sound like that?" Vi asked as she looked at Taylor who had a huge smile on her face.  

"Yes," Travis and I both said at the same time.  Taylor and Vi both laughed and Taylor took the phone and posted a clip of it on my tiktok.  We all looked at her suprised.  

"Better late than never," Taylor said before we fell back into a regular conversation.  

Violeta POV

I honestly had forgotten about the video that Taylor posted.  We got back to the hotel and crashed.  We had agreed to go out to lunch with Travis and Taylor.  When we got there, Zach pulled the comments up on the video and put the in between me and Taylor.  I was reading through the comments: Why don't they record together; they sound amazing together; Is that on ttpd; when is this song being released; did he forget who they are; where were they; They sound amazing acoustic.  

Taylor started laughing so I tried to read the comment that she did.  "Zach, they all think that you accidentally posted it," Taylor said.  

"Well that would be because I didn't post it," Zach said and I just laughed.  Travis had started reading through some of the comments on his phone.  

"They really want you guys to make an album together," Travis said looking up.  Taylor and I never really talked about actually singing together on an album but it seemed a little out there.  We started eating and talking about the break in Taylor's tour.  After lunch, we parted ways and Zach and I went to get the twins from my moms.  

"Hey mom," I said after she had opened the door.  She hugged me and smiled as she pulled away.  

"Congratulations on your Oscar," my mom said letting us inside.  I was about to ask what she knew but she started talking.  "I have been reading all about you.  People are asking what you can't do," my mom informed me and I laughed.  

"The better question is what will she do next," Zach said picking up Zara.  I rolled my eyes and grabbed Viridian.  "Thank you for watching them," Zach said.  

"Don't mention it, they are my grand kids," mom said.  We talked for a little bit before we left to head back to our house.  

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