The Wedding

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We kept the engagement between the two of us for about two weeks. It was an amazing adjustment period that we had for us both to revel in each other. We called everyone and told them that we were engaged but we didn't want the press to find out so we didn't have an engagement party. When I did tell Taylor, I asked her to be my maid of honor and she was so excited.

We also decided that we would get married on July 1st before the football season officially started. We ended up going back to Philadelphia for the wedding because that's where we met. We rented out Elkins Estate. The guest list was pretty selective. We pretty much only invited close friends and family. The wedding was no phones allowed and everyone had to leave their phones with the security when they arrived. We had a professional photographer and those were the only pictures taken.

We decided to both only have two people on our sides at the alter. My brothers were the groomsman on Zach's side. I had Taylor as my maid of honor and Kylie was a brides maid. That entire morning felt like a fever dream and I was so nervous.

I felt like I was living in a fairy tale.  When my Dad was walking me down the aisle, surrounded by the lush gardens and the historic beauty of the estate, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with joy and love. Every detail, from the elegant decor to the delicious food, was meticulously planned to create a magical atmosphere for our special day.

Zach POV

Standing at the altar, my heart was racing with anticipation as the music began to play. All eyes were on the entrance, waiting for the moment when Violeta, my beautiful bride, would make her grand entrance. Time seemed to stand still as I caught my first glimpse of her in her stunning wedding gown, walking down the aisle towards me. In that moment, everything else faded away, and it was just her and I.  Our entire relationship was playing like a movie in my head and I could feel tears forming in my eyes.  It was a feeling I can't quite put into words, but it was pure magic. I couldn't help but cry and feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude that she chose me to be her husband.

Violeta POV

When I saw those tears in his eyes as I walked down the aisle, my heart skipped a beat. It was like time stood still in that moment. It filled my heart with so much joy and it was a truly magical and unforgettable moment.

"Violeta, from the moment I met you, I knew that you were someone special. You have brought so much love, joy, and laughter into my life, and I am beyond grateful to call you my wife. I promise to always cherish and support you, to be there for you through the good times and the bad.  Together, we will navigate life's ups and downs, and create a future filled with love, adventure, and endless happiness. I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you, Violeta, and I promise to love you unconditionally, today, tomorrow, and always," Zach spoke and I was about to start crying. 

"Zach, your love and support have been my rock, and I am so grateful to have you by my side. I promise to always stand by you, to support your dreams and aspirations, and to be your biggest cheerleader. I vow to to cherish every moment we share, and to create a home filled with laughter, warmth, and love. With you, I have found my soulmate and my forever love. I am so excited to embark on this incredible journey with you, Zach, and I promise to love you with all my heart, always," I recited and he actually did cry.  I was just smiling. 

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," the ordain stated.  We kissed and everyone cheered.  The moment was really surreal.

The dance floor is alive with energy and joy. The room is filled with laughter and the sound of music. As I look around, I see our loved ones, friends, and family all coming together, dancing and celebrating our special day. The atmosphere is electric, with smiles on everyone's faces and love in the air. It's a moment of pure happiness, where time seems to stand still. I feel so grateful to be surrounded by the people we care about, all sharing in our joy and creating memories that will last a lifetime. I ended up leaving Zach to dance with Taylor, Kayley, and Lana.

Zach POV

I had been mesmerized by Violeta for a long time and it was no shock to me when she went to dance with her friends. "Your bride ditched you," Travis said as he walked up to me. I laughed and stood up.

"I gave her time to be with her friends. She talked me out of completely dropping my last name," I told Travis.

"How would that work?" Travis asked me.

"My last name is White-Kelce," I explained and Travis understood that. I was watching Violeta dance and have fun. I was just happy that she was enjoying today as much as I was. Eventually, she was gone for too long so I went over and joined them. They were all screaming the lyrics to the songs.

Everyone in the room was extremely drunk. Almost half of the people here were NFL players so their were a lot of interesting dance moves happening.

The last dance of the night was absolutely magical. As the music played, I took your hand and pulled her close. We swayed together, lost in the moment, surrounded by the twinkling lights and the love of our friends and family. It felt like time stood still as we danced, cherishing every second together. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of joy, nostalgia, and a hint of bittersweetness knowing that the night was coming to an end. But in that moment, all that mattered was the love we shared and the memories we had created throughout the day. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day.  It was a moment that I will never forget.  

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