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Zach POV

"Zach, I don't think that Violeta is doing very well," Taylor said.  I was talking to er on the phone.  

"That makes two of us.  She isn't sleeping and she hasn't left the twins side at all.  But every time I ask how she is doing she says she's amazing and how it was nothing," I responded.  "I really don't know what to do Taylor," I sighed.  

"I mean this is the first time that anything has happened to her.  She might need a few days and maybe get out of that house," Taylor suggested.  

"Wait, I always thought that something did happen.  Why does she have security?" I asked confused.  

"She watched stuff like that happen to me and she got worried.  She is one of the richest women in the world because of how business savvy and relentless she is.  She is apart of every industry, she has every reason to worry," Taylor explained and it just made me feel even worse.  

"This never should have happened," I sighed.  

"You know this isn't your fault right?" Taylor asked me.  

"Of course its my fault.  That bitch only came after Violeta because of me.  There is no way to spin this that doesn't hold me responsible," I said and Taylor stopped me.  

"You didn't do anything wrong.  The person that is respnsible is in jail, as she should be.  You are not to blame for what happened and I am starting to thing that you aren't exactly okay either," Taylor said.

"Good bye," I said and I hung up the phone.  What did she know?

Violeta POV

I heard Zach on the phone.  I couldn't believe that he actually thought that.  Zach came into the living room and sat down on the couch next to me.  I paused the TV and turned to him.  "Zachery, we are lying to each other," I stated and he looked at me confused.  "and ourselves," I added.  

"Violeta, I don't know what you are talking about," he said in disbelief.  

"Neither of us are okay and we need to stop pretending like we are," I stated and he rolled his eyes.  "Zach, we need to move and we need to get out of this house."  

"I think we need to move too," Zach said and he paused.  "I am so sorry that this happened to you, Firefly."  

"Us, Zach.  It happened to us.  You didn't do anything.  Veronica is crazy and she will never bother us again but if we are going to make this work then we need to be honest with each other and stop pretending that we are okay," I reminded him.  

"I know, Firefly.  I know that it isn't my fault but that doesn't mean that I don't feel responsible.  If you would've never met me than you wouldn't have gone through that," Zach admitted.  

"If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't be married and I wouldn't have our amazing kids.  Zach, I owe you so much for what you have brought to my life don't for a second think that I regret anything," I said and then I kissed him.  

"I love you more than life, Violeta," Zach said and I smiled.  We started looking for places and ended up moving into the neighborhood that Travis and Taylor lived in.  We had gone a little overboard on security, almost doubling the amount of guards we have and each of the twins had two guards specifically for them.  They also babysat the kids whenever Zach and I needed a minute.  We were playing with the kids when Travis called.  

"VIOLETA I NEED HELP!" Travis yelled into the phone.  I pulled the phone away from my ear and Zach looked alarmed.  

"Elaborate?" I asked him putting the phone on speaker and setting it down on the ground.  

"The oscars are in two days," Travis stated confusing me even more.  

"What does that have to do with you?" I asked.  I was invited because I made some music for a few of the movies that were nominated but Travis what?

"Taylor was invited," Travis stated.  I think I know where this is going.  "She wants me to come with her," Travis continued.  

"I am still not hearing a problem," I stated and Travis let out a annoyed sigh.   

"I have never been on a red carpet at this level," Travis stated.  Zach and I made eye-contact before we both started dying laughing.  "I am glad that you find my problems so funny," Travis said sarcastically.  

"Sorry.  Look, just look nice smile and don't answer any questions.  Let Taylor talk to media because you don't need to be saying anything stupid and you I wasn't going to go but watching you squirm sounds quite appealing," I mused and Zach looked confused.  

"When did you get invited the Oscars?" Zach asked and I laughed.  

"I get invited every year and I usually ignore it because I hate LA," I answered him.  

"I could've been going to the Oscars?" Zach questioned.  I heard Travis clear his throat.  

"Work out yourselves later, what am I going to do?" Travis asked.  

"About what?" I heard Taylor's voice ask.  

"Nothing,"Travis lied.  

"Travis, why are you lying to me?" Taylor asked but she wasn't mad.  She sounded amused and Travis was definitely speechless.  "Vi, tell your brother that he'll be fine and you are so coming to the Oscars," Taylor said slightly louder.  

"Sure thing, Tay," I said.  "Bye, Travis.  Good luck," I added quickly as I hung up the phone.  "Does that mean we have to go to LA?" I asked Zach and he laughed.  

"I say we drop the twins at your moms house with the security detail and enjoy ourselves for a few days," Zach said and I rolled my eyes.  We definitely needed a break and I don't think that kids at the Oscars is allowed.  

"I guess that works.  I have to find something to wear," I said before I ran upstairs.  I had to look through my dresses and find something to wear.  I had t make sure that it was Oscar worthy.  

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