Time is Out

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Travis POV - Kansas City

We had just started training after off season and we were all in the weight room.  "Kelce," Coach Reid yelled.  I stopped what I was doing and walked over to him.  "I just got a phone call and I need you to stay calm," he paused waiting for me to agree.  I did but I didn't understand what was going on.  "Your sister was injured during a game and is currently in the hospital unconscious."  

"What?" I asked him with tears brimming at my eyes and my voice broke.  

"Travis, they don't know if she is going to wake up," he continued.  My heart was breaking and I collapsed.  

Zach POV

I was generally nosy when it came to Kelce because I was constantly thinking about his sister.  I saw him collapse and I stopped what I was doing as did everyone else.  I walked over towards Travis and Coach Reid.  I could tell that Coach as upset too and my mind raced to Firefly.  "Travis, you should go be with her," Coach Reid said and I looked between the two of them.  Travis looked like he was in a trance.  I put a hand on his shoulder and he snapped out of it and stood up.  

"I um," he was looking around at everyone but his eyes stopped when he looked at me.  

"Go," I told him and he did just that. 

Jason POV - Philadelphia

We had just started retraining for the next season.  "Kelce," Coach Kelly called out and I walked over to him.  

"What's up coach?" I asked him and from the look on his face I could tell it was bad news.  

"I got a call.  Your sister was injured during a game and she is currently unconscious in the hospital," Coach Kelly stated.  He was trying to sound level-headed and I appreciated it.  

"I," my voice broke a little, "need to go."  Coach Kelly and nodded.  I headed to the airport and tried to keep myself collected.  I needed to be because there was no way that Travis was still standing.  God, Vi needs to be okay.  

Kayley POV

I had ran out of tears.  I was just watching Violeta breathe and was holding out hope.  "Kayley?" I heard Taylor's voice and I got up and hugged her.  She sounded almost broken and I didn't know if I would be any comfort.  We only knew each other because Taylor talked to Violeta on the phone constantly, I had never met her in person.  I looked at her parents faces for one of the first times and they seemed to appreciate that Taylor dropped everything to come here.  

She looked at them with red eyes and held her hand out.  "Taylor," she introduced herself.  Ms. Kelce hugged her ignoring Taylor's handshake.  

"I am so sorry, sweetheart," her mom spoke in a soft tone and Taylor started crying again.  I had never really understood Taylor and Violeta's relationship but I did remember the one time that Lana tried explained it to me.  

"They are twin flames.  The second they met, it was a connection that would last a lifetime.  It doesn't how far apart they are, they always know what the other is going through and exactly what to say.  It's like meeting someone who is your other half and completely understands you.  They find themselves in each other," was the way that Lana had described it.  

"She is your daughter, I should be consoling you," Taylor said as her tears slowed.  Ms. Kelce didn't get a chance to respond because Jason walked in.  His eyes were locked on Violeta's motionless body and I could tell that he was holding his emotions back.  His mom walked over and hugged him.  

"How much longer until Travis gets here?" Jason asked his mom.  He was holding back for his brother.  

"An hour 45," his dad stated after checking his phone.  Jason nodded but he still hadn't stopped looking at Violeta.  "The doctor said that there is no way to know the extent of her injuries until she wakes up," his dad explained and Jason looked at him.  

"You mean IF she wakes up," Jason snapped before he walked away again.  Taylor had grabbed my hand at some point during this whole thing.  I only noticed because she squeezed it as Jason walked past her.  No one talked after that, the weight of what was just said was too heavy.

Jason POV

It wasn't my dads fault, why did I just do that?  I was walking down the hallway and wasn't paying any attention to what was going on.  I stopped in front of the elevator and when the doors opened, I saw Travis.  He looked disheveled.  He was looking at me but it didn't seem like he could actually see me.  

"Travis?" I questioned.  He hugged me and I could feel his entire body shaking.  Travis and Violeta were in the same grade their entire lives, so they were closer than I was with her.  They experienced so many things together and they had so many stories that I always heard from them.  

I was practically holding Travis up when he asked me, "How is she?"  I took a deep breath and took a step away from Travis so I could look at him.  

"She will be okay.  She has always been stronger than both of us," I stated.  I kept every trace of doubt and worry off my face because Travis needed me to be okay and I would be, for him.  We started walking back to the room.  

Kayley POV

I don't know how long we stood in silence after Jason left.  When he came back, Travis was a few steps behind him and the look on Travis's face broke me.  He walked over to Violeta and knelt next to her.  He held her hand and I saw a tear stream down his face when he closed his eyes.  Travis didn't say a word, he just sat there, next to her with his eyes closed.  

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