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When we got to the house, we walked in and the Swifts were already there.  "Violeta," Austin said as he looked at me coldly. 

"Austin," I said giving him the same look.  I could tell that everyone was confused until Austin started laughing.  "I win," I exclaimed and Austin rolled his eyes. 

"Hey guys, nice to see you all," Austin said before leading us to where Kylie, Taylor and her parents were.  We all said hellos before we all started taking rooms.  They all forced me and Zach to take the master bedroom which was huge and had a walk in closet and bathroom.  All the other rooms had bathrooms except two, which is where the kids were going.  Wyatt and Elliotte are sharing a room and the twins and Bennett are sharing a room. 

Everyone was setting up their rooms and Taylor walked into ours and closed the door behind her.  "Violeta.  I am scared," Taylor said as she fell back on the bed.

"What's going on?" I asked. Everything seemed fine when we were out there.

"Travis is acting weird and he's not talking. He keeps saying everything is fine but Vi something is going on. I really don't want to lose him," Taylor said.

"Did you guys get in a fight?" I asked.

"No. Everything has been perfect maybe not for him if this is happening," Taylor said. Wait, acting weird, not talking, and everything is perfect.

"Taylor, I usually would give you an example that would tone down your anxiety," I started and she sat up and looked at me. "Look, I think you're wrong but he's my brother so I can't tell you why but I promise you: you are wrong," I said.

"Are you seriously protecting him right now?" Taylor asked mad and I let out a shaky breath. She stormed out and the second the door slammed behind her my body collapsed. Zach caught me and pulled me into a hug. I hated having to pick but I knew my brother, he wouldn't do that would he?

"Can you go get the kids and bring them in here?" I asked. They always made me feel better, Zach nodded and walked out. He brought them both to me. "Go back out there, Zach don't say anything," I said.

"Anything for you, Firefly," Zach said and he walked out. I locked the door when he left and I just played with the twins, they always helped me escape what was going on. I seriously don't think that I could face Taylor.

Zach POV

I have to say, I thought Vi would die before picking anyone over Taylor but then I am not entirely sure that she did. It have been better that she didn't say anything. I was out for a while with everyone other than Vi and the twins and no one was asking where she was so I was good. "Uncle Zach?" Wyatt asked and I looked over at her. "Can I go see Aunty Vi?" Wyatt asked me and my eyes flicked up to Taylor. Her entire body seemed to flinch at the mention of Vi.

"Sorry, sweetheart. She's sleeping, I am sure she'll come out and play with you later," I lied and I knew that drew the attention of the adults in the room but I tried to ignore it. Wyatt looked mad but she went back to what she was doing before and Travis was staring at me. He walked over to me.

"Is something wrong?" Travis asked me in a hushed voice and I could feel the anger rising in my body there was no way that Taylor didn't tell him what she said.

"What your girlfriend didn't tell you?" I asked as quietly as he did but my voice was laced with venom. Travis shook his head very slowly. "Violeta picked you and Taylor seemed to have quite the problem with it," I explained. But when Travis turned around, Taylor wasn't where she was before.

Taylor POV

I was so anxious that it made me say something I didn't mean to. Vi has every right to pick Travis but she didn't do that she simply didn't trash talk him. He is her brother, I don't know what I would do if she said something about Austin but that doesn't even matter. I need to make this right. I slipped out and went Vi's door. I knocked but there was nothing so I went to turn the knob only to realize it was locked. "Vi please," I said with a slight voice crack.

Violeta POV

I opened the door for Taylor but I locked it behind her and sat back down with the twins. "He is your brother, I need to understand that," Taylor said.

"Look, I will never pick anyone over you but you can't expect me to tell you what my brother is thinking. I know that anything I say you will believe and I don't ever want to be wrong," I explained and Taylor sat down on the ground next to me.

"A promise then: I won't expect you to tell me what either of your brothers is thinking and you continue to not tell me," Taylor said holding her pinkie out to me. I laughed and agreed. Pinky promise. We both sat on the ground playing with the twins and talking for a while. I think that Taylor had finally calmed down after her scare but something seemed to click in her brain. "He is going to propose," Taylor said.

My head turned to her really fast. "Sorry what? How on earth did you just come to that conclusion?" I asked.

"He isn't talking cause he doesn't want to give it away and he's being weird cause he is keeping a secret. It has to that," Taylor said with a smile.

"Has to or hope so?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"You know it is rude to make fun of your best friend," Taylor pointed out.

"I like to say it's a form of endearment," I retorted and she rolled her eyes again. I knew that Taylor was most likely right but I couldn't let her know that was what I thought too. Travis was definitely trying to, and failing at, surprising her with this. I really hope that he has a plan down because there is no way that my best friend gets a bad proposal not after everything she did to make sure mine was perfect.

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