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Zach POV

I walked into Arrowhead for practice and I was worried.  Not only because I actually like Travis but also because he and Violeta are close.  I wouldn't want to interfere in their relationship.  Practice was awful.  There was so much tension between Travis and I.  I think everyone noticed.  "Kelce, White, come see me after you shower," Coach Reid shouted at the end of practice.  

We both went to his office.  "What happened with Violeta?" Coach Reid asked the two of us.  

"How did you know it was her?" I asked him and Travis scoffed.

"He didn't tell me he knew her," Travis exclaimed and Coach Reid was looking at him like he was crazy. 

"I don't.  We met on a college campus in Philadelphia but we didn't really talk about ourselves.  We talked about sports and we went on one date and I wouldn't really call it a date," I explained and Travis narrowed his eyes at me.  

"You gave her a nickname," Travis stated.  

"Because it annoyed her and it suits her.  Like you said, ambitious," I defended.  Coach Reid looked between the two of us.  

"What year was this?" Coach Reid asked me.  

"2009?" I stated unsure.

"So you met his sister one time 4 years before you met him," Coach Reid clarified and I nodded.  "And you are mad because he didn't tell you," he directed at Travis.  

"When you say it like that.  I guess I can't be mad unless you saw her last night," Travis stated looking at me.  I hesitated and I knew that was not good.  

"It wasn't on purpose.  I was at the playground and she ran past and stopped when she saw me.  We had a completely normal and supervised conversation and then you called and she left," I explained hoping that wouldn't make him mad.  

"That actually makes more sense then what I was thinking," Travis muttered.  

"You two good now?" Coach Reid asked and we both said yes.  We walked out his office and Violeta was standing there.  We both stopped in our tracks.  

"Hello boys," Violeta mused as her eyes flashed between the two of us.  

"How did you know?" Travis asked her.  She smiled and nodded her head towards the door.  

"Oh you didn't know?  Coach Reid and I go way back," I stated and I looked at Travis's face.  He was so mad and I had to try really hard not to laugh.  

"Do you know everyone?" Travis asked her.  

"I spent three summers traveling to every state and I attend conferences everywhere.  I know a lot of people and there are two reasons that I don't tell you when I meet someone.  The first is if it was insignificant and second is if they are Taylor Swift," Violeta explained.  Wait, our first meeting was insignificant.  Travis looked at me and looked back at her.  

"You might want to revise your statement," Travis stated.  

"No, I don't.  I was never going to see him again and if I ever did I planned to run as fast as possible but that's not how it worked out.  I have you to thank for that," she said the last sentence looking at Travis.  I realized what she was doing and it was smart.  

"I thought you were getting on a plane," Travis changed the subject.  

"I was and then I found that my brother was being petty," She joked and I laughed.  Travis elbowed me in the stomach.  "I really have to get back to New York so til next time," she said as she walked forward and hugged her brother.  "Zach," she just acknowledged me.  I got my goodbye last night and I was fine with that.  

"Firefly" I said.  She rolled her eyes and left.  

"You are so in love with her," Travis said and I was so caught of guard by what he just said.  He walked away before I could muster a response.  

Violeta POV

I landed in New York and went back to the apartment.  When I got there, Taylor, Lana, and Kayley were all in the living room.  "Welcome home, Ms. Kelce," Lana said when she saw me and I attempted to look very calm.  

"Hello guys," I said and I put my stuff in my room. I came back out and they were all staring at me.  "What?" I asked them.  

"Nothing," Taylor said really fast and that's when I notice that my laptop was on the table in front of them.  

"What were you doing?" I asked them as  walked forward and took my laptop from them.  I opened my laptop and realized that they were messing with my song lists and recordings.  They were all silently watching me as I realized what they did.  "You made another album out of my songs," I realized and I looked at Taylor.  

"You need to release another album.  Your fans have been begging for it and we all know that you have enough songs to make like five," Taylor explained.  It was significantly harder to go on random runs in a city than it is in a town so I had started writing songs when I needed to think.  It was definitely more effective and I had the equipment in my studio to record so they were all recorded.     

"So you decided to do it for me to make it easier," I pointed out and she smiled. 

"You get it," Kayley said in relief.  

"I hate all of you because now I have no excuse," I stated and they all smiled.  

"That was the point," Lana added.  I rolled my eyes and posted the announcement that a new album was coming.  

"Happy?" I asked them and they all nodded.  

"Now onto more important matters, how's Zach?" Lana asked.  Taylor giggled.  

"Who's Zach?" Kayley asked.  

"A football player that she met during the summer of freshman year.  He is obsessed with her and she refuses to date long distance," Taylor explained.  

"He plays with Travis and his number is 71," Lana added.  

"That's so cute.  Do you have his phone number?" Kayley asked me.  

"Yes," I said begrudgingly.  They continued to grill me about Zach and I told them everything.  Honestly, I hadn't realized that I liked him until they started asking me about hi and I hadn't forgotten a word that he has ever said.  

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