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My album was selling well and had broke the charts the week it was released.  I had decided to move to NYC so that I could open a music recording and production studio.  That's exactly what I did.  Kayley and I moved together and still lived together.  It was so much fun and I spent a ton of time at my studio.  

Kayley and I worked together on occasion.  I went to Kayley and Lana's home games.  My brothers and I had become a little estranged because we didn't see each other and we were never available at the same time.  I have to admit starting out was difficult but I think I figured it out.  I worked a lot and any time that I had off I went and spoke in conferences and kept myself as a role model for girls because that was what I wanted to be.  

I was working on my computer when I got a phone call from my old college coach.  Hey coach, what's up?  I asked answering the phone.  

Hi Violeta!  I have heard through the grapevine that the NLL is interested in your brain and all your plays that you have in there.  I figured that you would want to know.  Coach explained.  

What exactly are you recommending?  I asked slightly confused.  

I think you should write down every play that you have ever created and sell it to the NLL.  She paused.  You have a mind that could revolutionize the way that lacrosse is played and I know that you wanted to that by being a player.  I also know that you gave up that dream when they said you couldn't play anymore, you have another chance.  Just think about it.  She concluded and I took a second to process what was just said to me.  

Thank you and I will.  I stated hanging up the phone.  

"Will what?" Lana asked walking into my room.  

I hesitated.  "Apparently the NLL wants my plays and they are willing to buy them," I explained and Lana smiled.  

"Duh.  You beat me with something that no one has been brave enough to try or even consider.  They want to know what else you could come up with," Lana reassured me.  I walked to my closet and took out three notebooks.  I had already written it all down.  Ever since I started playing every play that I created ended up in a notebook and I held onto them.  I handed them to Lana and she started flipping through the pages.  "Wow, you really are one of the best minds in lacrosse," Lana was amazed.  "You should do it," Lana stated as she closed the notebook.  She got up and left me alone with my thoughts.  

I decided to call the NLL.  Hello, this is NLL headquarters speaking.  What do you need?  The person answered the phone and I took a deep breath.   

This is Violeta Kelce and I have my playbooks.  I want to hand them over.  I stated as calmly as I could.  I had no need for them and they would advance the play.  

When can you come to Philadelphia?  The person on the other end of the phone asked.  

How does tomorrow sound?  I asked and the person laughed.  

See you tomorrow!  The person stated and I started packing a bag.  I walked out of my room with a bag.  Lana and Kayley were both sitting at the island and when they saw me they both said, "Where are you going?"  

"Philadelphia," I smiled and they both laughed.  I hugged them both before leaving for the airport.  

When I landed, I headed straight to my brothers house.  I always loved to make an entrance.  I knocked on the door and a girl answered it.  "Hey, you're here for Jason," she mentioned.  She was wearing one of my brothers shirts and that obviously added to her uncomfortable demeanor.  

"Violeta," I said holding a hand out and she smiled.  

"Kylie," she said shaking my hand and then letting me in.  "Jason, your sisters here," Kylie called through the house.  So she did know who I was.  

"That's not possible, she lives in New York," Jason shouted back but his voice was getting closer and then I saw him.  I smirked.  

"There is a such thing as planes," I said and he laughed.  He hugged me before adopting a confused expression.  

"What are you doing here?" Jason asked me.  

"I came because I have a meeting with the NLL tomorrow," I explained and he just looked more confused.  "I am giving them my playbooks," I added before looking down.  

"You are selling your playbooks to the NLL?" Jason asked suspiciously.  "I thought that Kayley and Lana would end up with those," he said in disbelief.  

"Don't flip this.  You didn't tell me you were dating anyone and you certainly didn't mention that it was Kylie McDevitt," I accused.  He looked really confused and looked at Kylie.  

"I don't know how she knows me," Kylie said in her own defense.  I laughed as Jason just got more confused.  

"Atlantic East Field Hockey Rookie of the year.  I still watch college sports," I explained and Jason smiled.  Kylie and I got to know each other and Jason let me stay at his house overnight.  

The next morning, I left to go to the meeting.  "Hi, I have an appointment," I said after I walked up to the desk.  

"Go through there," the clerk pointed a door and I went through.  The board were all in there and I smiled when I walked in.  I sat down.  

"Hello, Violeta.  It is a pleasure to meet you.  How many plays do you have?" one of the members asked getting straight to the point.  

"Three notebooks worth," I stated.  There was a slight gasp in the room and I knew it was because they were expecting a notebook, if that.  

"100K each," one of the board members stated and anther one stopped them.  

"We should probably look at the plays first," the member suggested and I slid the notebooks across that table.  They were looking through and checking the validity.  "How much do you want for them?" the member asked.  

"Honestly, I'd give them to you for free.  My goal is to progress the sport not make money," I deflected and there were a few smiles and nods.  When no one said anything, I stood up.  

"We are not taking these for free.  You would have been the highest paid player in the league and you lost out on that.  We will give you 200K each and there is no discussion here," the head member stated as she stood up.  She walked over to me and shook my hand.  "Very few play well and can think well about what they are doing.  You are one of the greatest players of all time and you could have changed everything.  You probably still will," she stated and I smiled.  

"Thank you," I replied.  

"Have a good life, Violeta," the member added.

"You too," I returned the statement and walked out.

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