Family Affairs

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I was nominated for producer of the year, non-classical, at the Grammys.  I was excited because Taylor was nominated for 7 Grammys.  She worked so hard for her fans and I was trilled that she was finally getting recognition for all of her efforts.  

Zach came with me to the awards and people finally realized who he was.  He was wearing an all black suit and I was wearing an off the shoulder emerald dress with silver heals.  Taylor and I basically avoided each other but I did congratulate her on winning three grammys: best music video for "Bad Blood," best pop vocal album for 1989 and album of the year for 1989.  I was ecstatic because I won.  It was completely insane and I really didn't think I was going to win.  

They were held in LA so there were a lot of paparazzi.  When Zach and I walked out they were flashing pictures and people were trying to ask questions but my security were keeping them all a few feet away from us.  I decided to stop and answer a few questions.  

"Violeta, is Zachery White your boyfriend?" one reporter asked and I said yes.  

"Violeta, when did you meet?" another reporter asked.  

"2009," I responded which caused a lot more questions.  But, I said "no comment" and walked to my car.  Zach opened the door for me and he let me get in first.  We were sitting in the back seat.  

"You had to stir the pot," Zach mused as he looked at me.  

"I enjoy leaving questions unanswered," I stated.  He rolled his eyes and kissed me.  After that, we rode back in a comfortable silence.  I had my head on his shoulder and he was rubbing circles on my thigh which apparently knocked me out.  

"Firefly, wake up," I heard Zach whisper in my ear.  My eyes opened against my will and we went into the hotel we were staying in.  When we got inside, I took off my makeup and changed into one of Zach's hoodies.  I decided to look at my phone and realized that people were trying to figure out where Zach was in 2009 and laughed a little.  "Whats so funny?" Zach asked.  He had taken a shower so his hair was all wet.  

"My fans are attempting to cyber stalk you.  They want to know what you were doing in 2009," I told him.  He sighed and laid down next to me so that he could look at my phone.  

"They are really invested in this," Zach said.  I was looking to see if anyone had figured it out and when I finally found someone who was right, I liked their post.  "You seriously just did that," Zach sighed.  I turned my phone off.  

"I am exhausted and we have to fly to PA tomorrow," I said while I got comfortable.  

"You looked gorgeous tonight," Zach whispered.  

"You mentioned every 5 minutes," I reminded him and he laughed.  He kissed my head.  

"Good night, Firefly," he spoke softly.  

"Good night," I said as I yawned.  We both fell asleep almost immediately.  We slept in pretty late which was a mistake because we had to leave almost as soon as we woke up in order to catch our flight.  We were going to my Jason's house, the entire family would be there.  We figured it would be easier for our parents to get to know Zach and Kylie at the same time rather than splitting up and we were in need of a family gathering.  

I knocked on the door and Kylie answered it.  She hugged me and whispered in my ear, "There is so much going on right now."  I laughed.  "Congrats on the win yesterday," Kylie added.  We went inside.  

"Thanks.  Kylie, Zach.  Zach, Kylie," I introduced them and they both said hellos before we walked into the kitchen area.  I could hear my brothers both talking, more like arguing about something.  

"Vi," they both said at the same time and I laughed.  

"Hello brothers," I said.  I hugged both of them.  They looked at each other and then looked at Zach.  They stood up at the same time and were just staring.  Kylie came to stand next to me.  "What is going on?" I whispered to her.  

"They were arguing about how they would scare Zach when you got here," Kylie whispered back.  I should have guessed that.  

"Guys," I said and they all turned to look at me.  "Stop doing whatever you were just doing," I said and all three of the sat down at the table and started talking about football.  There was a knock on the door.  Kylie and I went to get it.  "Hey dad," I said after I opened the door.  

"Hi, sweetheart," he said as he hugged me.  He looked at Kylie.  "Nice to see you, Kylie," he said before he turned his head to the boys.

"Nice to see you too, Ed," Kylie said and my dad walked to the boys and joined their conversation.  I wasn't exactly sure if my dad had ever actually talked to Zach or not but I just let them talk.  Kylie and I were talking about life and catching up on everything.  My mom just walked in and didn't knock.  She walked into the area that we were all in without any one even noticing.  

"Hello everyone, sorry I am late," my mom said and everyone turned to look at her.  It went silient.  

"Hey mom," Jason, Travis and I all said at the same time.  

"That was weird," I added looking at my brothers and they both nodded.  My mom came over and joined Kayley and I's conversation.  We ate dinner and it all went pretty smooth.  Kylie and Zach both fit in really well with the family dynamic so it wasn't really awkward at all.  It was actually pretty fun because I got to argue football with the guys.  When it came to sports strategy, I was the best in the house and it was always funny when they tried to tell me I was wrong.  Zach, who usually never disagrees with me, was siding with my brothers all night.  I think that he was kissing up to them.   

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