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"Okay, we need you to name them.  You have ten minutes," the nurse said as she walked in.  I looked at Zach and I didn't know.

"We'll give you two a minute," Travis said and he walked out with everyone else.  They closed the door behind them. 

"I say that I do the girls first and the boys middle and you do the opposite," I suggested. 

"I assume you already have a name in mind for the girl then?" Zach questioned.  I nodded. 

"What do you think about Zara?" I asked him.  He thought about it for a second. 

"Zara Allison is perfect," Zach responded.  I wasn't expecting him to immediately have a name.  "And since you did my initial, I guess I should do yours," he stated and thought about it for a second.  "What about Viridian?" He asked me. 

"How long have you been waiting to say that?" I asked him and he laughed.  Zach had always said that he loved my eyes because he says that they are viridian.  "Whatever.  Viridian," I trailed off before I looked at him and smiled, "Reid." 

Ever since Zach had joined the Chiefs, he has always looked up to Coach Reid as a father figure.   I knew that I wanted to pay homage to him somehow and this seemed like the best option. 

"I love that," Zach said.  "Are we ready?" He asked and I nodded.  Zach went to get everyone and we didn't tell them the names until the nurse came back in.

"Okay, you have their names?" The nurse asked holding a clipboard.  Zach and I both nodded.  Zach was holding Viridian and I was holding Zara. 

"Our son's name is Viridian Reid Kelce-White," Zach said and then looked at me. 

"And our daughter's name is Zara Allison Kelce-White," I said and then I looked at Taylor.  She had started crying.  I smiled and I looked at Travis and his eyes were glossy. 

"So we have Viridian Reid and Zara Allison?" The nurse asked.  Zach and I both said yes and the nurse nodded before writing on the clipboard.  "You are cleared for discharge," the nurse said before walking out. 

When we got to our house, we noticed that there was a car out front.  Jason and Kylie were here, that was the only explanation.  We walked into the house and I saw my nieces sitting in the couch watching TV. 

Wyatt was the first to notice that we came in and she yelled, "Aunty Vi!"  I laughed and she ran over and hugged my leg. 

"Hello girlies, what are your parents up to?" I asked and Wyatt looked at me. 

"They brought presents," Wyatt responded and I smiled when I heard Kylie running downstairs.  When she saw that Wyatt had already said something she laughed. 

"Travis failed to mention what those precious babies names are," Kylie said as she walked over and side hugged me. 

"This is Zara Allison," I said and I turned to Zach, "and that is Viridian Reid."  Kylie smiled. 

"You kept the initials V and Z.  You also named them both after someone.  You are amazing at naming things," Kylie said.  I had been talking to Kylie about how scared I was to name the kids because they would have to live with whatever I picked.  We followed Kylie upstairs and saw that the guest room closest to our room had been set up as a nursery.  Zach and I both put the babies in one of the cribs.  I then hugged Jason. 

"Congratulations, Vi.  These kids are so lucky," Jason whispered and I just smiled.  Jason never failed to tell me right from wrong and he always gave me exactly what I needed to hear.  "Okay, names?" Jason asked. 

"Zara Allison and Viridian Reid," Zach answered and a huge smile broke out in Jason's face. 

"Who's telling Coach Reid that you named your kid after him?" Jason asked.  We all laughed and I just sat next to the cribs.  This was almost guaranteed to be the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and I couldn't mess it up.  Zach and Jason went downstairs to make dinner as well as making sure that the kids weren't breaking anything and Kylie sat down next to me. 

"You are going to be an amazing mom.  It's going to be hard most of the time and you're probably going to feel like you're doing a bad job but it's all worth it.  Trust me," Kylie said and I smiled. 

"I had the best parents that you could have and I don't know how to do what they did," I was doubting myself. 

"You have more empathy and compassion than most of the people I know.  Your children have a village, you don't have to worry and if you're ever really stuck you could call your parents," Kylie comforted me.  I had money and status but I needed security when I went out how was I supposed to make a kid feel safe? 

"That's true but I'm worried about the spotlight.  We aren't going to be able to hide their existence forever," I told her my concerns and she just smiled. 

"You are one of the only people that I know that has survived pretty much every set back and you still stand on two feet.  You can do this," Kylie reassured me.  Wyatt and Ellie ran into the room stopping when they saw us. 

"Aunty Vi?" Wyatt asked in an innocent way. 

"Are those our cousins?" Wyatt asked and I smiled.  I nodded and her entire face lit up.  She walked over to the crib and put her hand in with Zara.  Ellie did the same with Viridian.  It was so cute and I was glad that they accepted the babies. 

We ate dinner and Zach told Jason that they were welcome as long as they were willing to stay.  "Zach," I said and he looked at me with a slight smile. 

"I know Firefly.  You need to go to Tokyo and I'm telling you to go.  The only way to keep them both safe and out of the public eye is for you to step out into the spotlight," Zach agreed.  I smiled and went upstairs to pack. 

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