Her Friends

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I woke up and realized that Zach wasn't in bed anymore.  I looked around the room and he wasn't even in here so I got up and walked out into the kitchen.  "Zach?" I asked and he turned around.  

"Good morning, Firefly.  I am making breakfast, hope that's okay," he said before he turned back around to face the stove.  I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist while I rested my head on his back.  

"Morning and I could totally get used to this.  I hate cooking," I said.  I could feel him laughing.  He was making eggs and french toast, which was definitely one of my favorite breakfasts.  

"Gag," Kayley said sarcastically.  I turned around and sat down at the island.  The second I went to take my phone out I got a text message.  

"Taylor's coming over later," I said nonchalantly and Zach turned around.  I could tell that he was looking for even a tiniest bit of a lie, he still didn't believe me.  

"When?" Kayley asked and I shrugged.  "I should invite Lana over too," Kayley added and I agreed.  We all ate breakfast and then I watched TV on the couch with Zach while we waited for Taylor and Lana.  

I got up when I heard a knock at the door.  "Hey Lana," I said.  She hugged me and then she looked at Zach.  

"He is way hotter than he was before," Lana whispered but it was loud enough for him to hear.  I started laughing when I saw the look of complete shock on his face.  

"Thank you," Zach said really slowly and uncertainly.  I noticed that Kayley had come back into the room and she started laughing too.  There was another knock at the door and Lana turned to open it.  

"Hey Lana, feel bad for this guy," Taylor said when she saw Lana.  She came inside and we all greeted her and we sat down in the living room.  

"Okay, I have to know.  How did you guys meet?" Zach asked Taylor.  

"I met Vi while I was recording a music video in 2008 and then she introduced me to Lana in 2009 when they came to one of my concerts.  I met Kayley while Vi was in the hospital after she got injured," Taylor explained and he still looked confused.  

"So you have known Taylor Swift for 8 years and basically no one knows.  How does that even happen?" Zach asked.  I laughed.  

"I have known you for 7 years and basically no one knows," I stated and he looked at me like I was crazy.  

"Not the same thing," Zach said.  

"True but we didn't really see each other, just talked on the phone until we both moved to New York," Taylor explained.  

"Okay that makes it more understandable," Zach said.

"On to more important topics.  Tell us about you," Lana said and all of us looked at Zach.  

"I play football for the chiefs and that's basically it," Zach said.  

"Yeah we heard number 71," Kayley commented and Zach looked at me.  

"You picked the number," I said.  He really can't blame me for telling them.  

"What about family?" Lana asked.  I never told them because it seemed a little too personal for me to just tell people.  

"My parents died when I was young and I have no siblings so," Zach admitted.  I grabbed his hand and squeezed a little.  

"Sorry, that must be hard," Taylor said.  

"It's fine, it doesn't really bother me anymore," he said.  

Taylor POV

"It's fine, it doesn't really bother me anymore," he said.  When he said it he glanced at Vi and smiled a little.  She was his family now and that was such a gift.  I honestly didn't think that they would ever actually work but he seemed to really like her.  

"What do you do when you aren't playing?" Kayley asked changing the subject.  

"Video games or hanging out with Travis," Zach responded.

"As in her brother, Travis?" Lana asked with a smile.  Zach nodded.  

"Violeta, you didn't say they were friends," I said.  

"I also didn't tell you that he knows Jason," Violeta said.  Lana, Kayley, and I all gasped and Zach was looking at her with a sideways look.  

"How do you know that I know Jason?" Zach asked her and I laughed.  

"I talked to him about you before we started dating.  Well, actually I was talking about Travis but you came up," Violeta answered him.  She was backtracking which means she definitely talked to Jason about him.  

"Wait so how good of friends are you with Travis?" I asked Zach distracting him from Vi.  

"Well, we have gotten a lot closer since I started talking Vi.  He thinks that I will spill of all her secrets to him," Zach explained.  

"Do you?" Violeta asked him and he laughed awkwardly.  

"I consider him to be a good friend," Zach said still talking to me and ignoring what Violeta said.  

"What the hell?  You can't do that," Vi yelled.  She was smiling and didn't sound angry.  I think that she was just happy that they got along.  She really values her brothers opinions and if they don't like someone she's dating well she's not dating them anymore.  

"Don't worry, Firefly, I don't tell him anything you wouldn't tell him," Zach said and she narrowed her eyes at him.  "Promise," he said.  She rolled her eyes.  

"Wait why did you go with Firefly?" Kayley asked him.  

"Cause she's like fire," Zach stated like it was the most obvious thing ever.  We all looked at him confused and he sighed.  "Shes hot and she is really ambitious and passionate about her dreams," Zach clarified.  

"You called her that the first time that you met," Lana pointed out.  

"Yeah, I could tell.  That is also the reason that I came over to talk to you guys," Zach admitted.  Vi had a huge smile on her face and I could tell, she was falling in love with him.  

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