I frown at the confusion. What was happening? I woke up this morning, to police sirens screaming, and a heavy knock on my door. "Coming! I shouted, shuffling to the door sleepily. I opened the door now, fully awake.
"Miss Y/n, I'm afraid we're going have to take you for some questions." I looked at them confused. What were they talking about? "In shorter words, we are doing an investigation to see if you are guilty. We have found 9 female girls, in your garden. Come take a look."
I went with the cops outside, to my garden. I nearly fell when I saw the dug up garden and dead bodies. "W-what is this...? Who could've..." I held my mouth to prevent myself from gagging at the sight.
Each girls head, has been chopped off. "I-I didn't do this..." I said, feeling afraid. The cop sighs. "We have a hint, that a person might be framing you. But if not, you are going to jail." The cop says. I start sobbing.
Why was my like so terrible.
Few weeks later
" Miss (Y/n), we have discovered that you're not guilty." The cop says and I smile, and sigh a sigh of relief. I laugh. Finally the weight was off. I could have a normal life again. I thank them, and walked to my bed. He he. Finally, a good sleep-
The doorbell rings again. "Sigh. What the fuck is it this time. More cops?" I joked to myself. But when I opened the door, I say gone.
A handsome young man, stood, towering over me. I smile awkwardly. Huh. "So...I found you are not guilty..." The guy said, with a hint of regret in his voice. Did he seriously come here just to saw that? Handsome blond men these days. I smile. "Uhm, do I know who you are?"
He just smiles sadly. But then, he grins. "Y'know, you're the first one to escape the frame." He said. My brain processed for a few mins before gasping. "You're the person that-?!" He puts a cloth over my mouth as I faded out. "Hehe. Got found out."
Lerin POV
I looked at the girl in my arms, as I carried her to my house, which was beside hers. A person to remain unscathed...this is the first time this has happened. I grin. She's so...small...if I want, I could press my hands here and she would...no...
I shook my head. Such a precious thing...I should protect it from the world...hahaha...what is this wonderful feeling? I carried down to the basement, opening the 'play room'. The room where I would play with the girls and...kill them but this time...it's different.
I'll keep her safe and sound...from any danger. I laugh to myself. Hah. Suddenly, just because of a girl, I've gotten so soft. Oh well. It is what it is. I kissed her forehead, and tucked her in the bed. Wait...what if she runs away from me...? I know just the thing.
I opened the drawer beside the bed and grabbed a pair of handcuffs out. I clicked one side on her hand and the other on the bed board.
(Y/n) POV
I woke up to find myself cuffed. Urgh. Where is this place? I questioned myself. It's...dark...I don't like it. Suddenly, my memories of young attacked me.
"(Y/n), be a good girl and wait for me okay?" My mother said, under the dark moonlight, ready to go out on her date. I looked at her nodding. She smiles and the man beside her scoffs. "Why must you care for this girl?" He asks. I close my eyes, knowing what would happen next. I felt the warm goo, splattering on me.
I then, feel a cloth dragged over my face. "(Y/n), you can open your eyes now." My mother says. I open my eyes, to find the guy dead. It was dark. But my mom, was my light. The moon shone upon her like she was a fallen angel. I hugged my mom. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" She asks. I sniffle. "Mom, stop doing this. You're going to be taken by the police like dad. Don't do it anymore." I cried.
She just laughs softly and pulls me into her embrace. I enjoy her warmth and melts into it. Mom. Warm...gooey?... I opened my eyes. The guy stabbed my mom. He wasn't fully dead. I grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed him several times. Confirming he was dead, I ran towards my mom.
"Mom...don't leave me...please don't leave me...not like dad...I don't want to be alone." I crying on her stomach as she pooled out the blood. "It's okay (Y/n)...don't cry...smile for mom okay?" She said, before breathing her last breathe. Thunder rang, as all I could hear was my screams, the rain, and thunder. It's dark...scary...
Flashback ends
"Ah...mom...don't leave me...I'm scared...it's dark..." I said, closing my eyes. The door creaks open. "...? Why are you crying? I looked at him. He was like...mom...the light shine behind him. My heart thumped. "Ah...who are you?..." I said, wiping my tears away. "...my name's Lerin." The guy said, smiling.
Then, I remembered what happened. " Ah...why am I here...where am I?" I ask, panicking. He laughs. "Slowly love, slowly love. Anyways, you are at my house...and you are going to become my love." He says. My heart flutters at the nickname.
"Love...? Does that mean...you won't leave me?" I said, tear rolling down my eyes again. I know he kidnapped me but...I'm scared. Even if it's a kidnapper...I don't want to be alone...I want someone beside me..."Yes...I'll always be here for you love." I smile, not exactly sane.
"Thank you...thank-you, thank you, thank you!" I said. He smiles and just hugs me close to him. He feels like mom. "No need to thank love."

One shots (Character X Fem.Reader)
Roman d'amourAre you ready to dive into multiple stories of dark romance? Well, here's your chance. ⚠ Warnings ⚠ -THIS STORY IS MINE 🎕Picture isn't mine🎕 🎕There may be stuff that can trigger you, had murder, abuse, rape, and many more stuff.🎕 🎕You have seen...