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His ruby red eyes shone under the moonlight, as the red liquid slowly flowed down his lips. I gasp, as I see him crunching on the bones of the raw rabbit.

It crunched under his teeth, as I backed away from the gory scene. A twig crunched under my shoes, and he turned to look at me.

I quickly ran with all my might, as I could feel him giving chase. Almost...out..the clearing...but then I felt it. Something. Something grabbing at my legs. I screamed, and all was black.

I woke up, on the bed with sweat rolling down my face, as I recalled what happened. Was that...just a dream? I held my throbbing head and looked at where I was.

In the village. In my room. Back where I felt the most safe...but not as much anymore. It felt like something...or someone was watching me. I got off the bed, and walked towards the window.

I stare hard, as if thinking something will come, but nothing does. My mom comes in the room, holding a bowl. "Oh, sweets...you're awake." She walks towards me.

She puts her hands on my hand, to check something. "You know, earlier, I found you passed out beside the woods. Didn't I tell you not to go there?" She said, putting her hand down.

So it was real. "You know, this really nice boy knocked on my door, and led me towards you, and before I thanked him he disappeared." She hums, giving the bowl to me.

My stomach drops. So it was real. The blood. The teeth. The red scarlet eyes. They were all real... "Mom, mom, listen to me..." I looked at her with panic in my eyes.

"What is it sweetie? I'm listening. You know I am." She says, crouching down to face eye level with me. "He's a vampire mom. You have to believe me!" I held her arms tightly.

"I believe you sweetie." She says, but I could see it. The lie. She's lying. Why won't the only person I trust believe me?! "Mom! Please! Believe me!" I pleaded.

Later on did I know, that I would be sent to clear some memories. I was lying on the white bed, with the white walls all around me. I last glanced at my mom.

She was crying outside the glass windows. She was crying. It's all because of me. I shouldn't have acted out. This giant machine...it'll erase my memories. I hope it doesn't hurt.


"Mom. I'm home. I've bought the pepper and cauliflower that you wanted me to buy!" I shouted, and took off my wooly clothes and hung it on the wall. "Alright! Leave it on the table!" She says.

I dropped the stuff on the table, and went to my room. I raced up the stairs, and looked out my windows. Towards the woods. I have this huge urge...to see whats past those trees.

I sighed, and soon lied down in my bed. Then, I heard lots of people talking outside, and I looked out. Huh. New neighbours? It seems...they were moving in beside us...

I raced down the creaky stairs. "Mom! Do you see that? We're going to have neighbours!" I yell, excited. "I know! I'm cooking this rotisserie chicken right now. I think I'll give it to them." 

I nodded, and squealed. New neighbours. We haven't had neighbours beside us, since Maud moved away. That was like, ten years ago. It was empty until now. 

I can't believe it. new neighbours. Will they be hot, will they be old, cranky, young? Oh my gosh, I'm so excited! My mom shoves the pie in my hands, and tells me to give it to them.

I rushed out the door, not caring about the cold. I knocked on the neighbours door, and soon it opened. It was a boy, who seemed around my age. Around 20. I smile.

"Is your parents home or anything? Or uh, is it just you living here?" I ask. "It's just me." He says. Oh my gosh. He's hot looking, and he's got a hot voice! 

"Oh um, this is for you. Anyways, bye!" I said, shoving the cooked chicken into his arms, and ran to my house. Goddamn he made my heart nearly burst!

??? POV:

I stared at where she closed the door. We meet again. Does she not remember me? I licked my teeth, slightly drawing a little bit of blood from my own tongue.

This will sure be fun. I will enjoy this...new experience. I grinned and walked back into the house, closing the door shut.

(Y/n) POV:

I hummed, doodling in my diary, writing about the boy. He is so cute! I got to know him these past few months. His name is Orpheus. He is like, so my type.

He's got this golden eyes, and jet black hair. I think I sort of have a crush on him. I mean, who doesn't? Nearly every girl in our village has taken a liking to him.

I fiddled with the pencil in my hands, and soon put away the diary and pencil. I put on a coat, and walked downstairs and out the door. I knocked on Orpheus's door.

He opens it, leaning against the doorframe. "Hey." He smiles. "Hey." I repeat. "So, you're dressed and ready?" He smiles, grabbing his own coat, and puts it on. "Yeah."

We went to his car, and got seated. We were going to see the movies today. We were watching a horror movie, called 'Fangs'. I was so excited.

"So, how do you think you'll rate the movie?" He asks, driving. "I think it'll be a ten outta ten!" I smile, pumping my fist in the air. "I'm sure it'll be that too." He smirks. 

We soon got to the movies, and we were seated in the seats. In the middle of the movie, he got up, and told me he had to use the bathroom. He went out, and didn't come back for a while.

Huh. This was weird. I got out my seat, and I soon exited the dark room, into the bright light. Suddenly, confetti popped. I stood there, confused at what was happening.

Orpheus walks towards me with a bouquet of roses. "These are for you." He smiles. "So...what is the meaning of this?" I ask, face flushing, as I expected the words to come out his mouth.

"I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He says, getting on his knees, and grabbed a teddy bear out of nowhere, and held both the bear and the bouquet towards me.

Tears sprang out my eyes as I cried out yes. "Oh my gosh, yes! Yes, I will be your girlfriend!" I smiled. He picks me up, and starts spinning me. Oh, this is the best day of my life!


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