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I sang, as my voice was caught in a tangle of sadness. I heard a clap of applause behind me. I turned around, not expecting anyone to be out this late in the forest. "Beautiful voice. The name's Kieran. Yours?" I stared at him, very weary.

He holds his hands up, as if to show he wasn't dangerous.  I slightly calmed down. "...why do you want to know...?" I question. He laughs, as if what I said was a funny question. "Why would I want to know? Why wouldn't I want to know someone who has a wonderfully angelic voice?"

My face turns red. I'm glad it was dark, because he couldn't see me...right? "(Y/n)." I whisper. He smiles. "(Y/n) I see...a beautiful name for a beautiful person." I was ready to overheat and turn into a tomato. "Why were you singing a song in the night...and it was full of...sadness though ..?" He asks.

I flinch. "I...lost my father..." I whisper. His smile drops. "Oh...I'm sorry."  He whispers. I smile. "No worries. This conversation with you has made me feel slightly better." I smile. He grins slightly. " Glad I could meet you and make a beautiful mademoiselle as yourself smile. I laugh.

I guess that's how our friendship developed. I stopped writing as I see Kieran walk towards me. "Hey mademoiselle." He walks causally towards me and starts with his friendly flirts. "Gosh, stop it Kieran!" I stop as soon as I see my boyfriend.

"Hearthe!" I smile, waving to him. He smiles, blows me a kiss and walks towards us. "Urgh. You shouldn't be dating that guy. He is such a playboy. You should be dating me instead." He pouts. I laugh, not taking him seriously .

"Kieran, you are literally the same thing. I swear, Hearthe has changed now! Stop making fun of him! Stop bullying him!"I laugh. He just rolls his eyes playfully. But I saw, the one look of disgust at Hearthe. I sigh. I wonder when he'll get along with Hearthe.

"Hey babe. How was your day?" He asks, as he settles a kiss on my lips. I giggle. "Boring without you." I said, as he smirks. "Really? How much did you miss me?" He asks. "Hmmm~maybe to the point where'd I kill someone?" I said, jokingly.

For a sec, I thought I saw him grinning crazily. But when I blinked a few times, he returned to his normal smile. I gulped. What was with my eyesight today?... "Anything wrong?" Hearthe asked, as I was suddenly mute. "Ah, nothing." I smiled.

We walked home in silence, as he waved goodbye when I reached my door. I walked in my house, legs slightly shaking. I don't think I was being delulu...I think he really did  smile...it was...scary. I felt like prey.

I shook my head. Calm down girlie, calm down. It was just today. I scrolled through my phone, to relax myself, as I found pics of Hearthe and I. I smiled at the pictures, but my smile soon dropped, as I saw the faces.

The pictures. All of them. He was always looking at me weirdly. I felt myself shake. This is scary... I'll ask Hearthe about these tommarow. I took a deep breath and lied on my bed. Then, I find myself thinking about Kieran. I took a long pause, before calling him.

He picks the phone up. "Hey. Anything wrong?" He asks with concern in his voice. Concern. For me. My heart warmed a little. Then, I think back to Hearthe. "No. I'm fine. Just missed you."

Kieran POV:

I paused. What was I hearing? She... misses me? I smile. "I missed you too little girl" I smirk. I can hear her huff on the other end. "I'm not small! You're small! She shouts. I laugh, tears rolling out my eyes as I do. She grumbles about me being mean, then hung up.

I smiled. At least she took the initiative to call me. I stared on the giant poster, with her face plastered on it. You'll be mine soon...surly enough. I smirked. I kissed the lips of hers. Hard...but I'll soon have the real her.

(Y/n) POV:

I woke up, yawning. I smile. Today after school, me and Hearthe are going on a date. I quickly did my morning routine and rushed out the doors. I see Hearthe waiting for me. I beam, and tell says good morning. He waves, and kisses me on the lips. I flinch a little, but I don't think he seemed to notice.

On the way, we see Kieran walking, and I invited him to walk with us. I could see Hearthe glaring at him, not wanting to walk beside Kieran, but not wanting me to stands next to him, so he stands in between us. I giggle at his childish behavior.

As we got to school, we all waved goodbye cause we didn't have our mornings together. I walked to my classroom, still wondering when I should all Hearthe about the pictures, but I decided to wait until lunch to find out.

Lynch quickly came, as I told Kieran that me and Hearthe were going to eat lunch together and that he might have to find someone else to eat lunch with. He nods understandingly, and walks away. Now, to all hate about these pictures.

Kieran POV:

Did she seriously think I was going to leave her just like that? I walked back, a few minutes later, and heard something unexpected, that made me grin.

"Why the hell were you always looking at me in my pictures? You never ever looked at the cameras." She frowned. He just grins. "You just realized that just now?" He questions. What does the mean? Just now?

"Y'know, I've been in love with you the first time I've ever saw you. He said grinning magically. "When I saw you, I just knew you had to be mine." He smiles. He grabs onto (Y/n). At that moment I ran out from my hiding spot and grabbed his hands.

"K-Kieran? What are you doing here?"

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