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I looked at Luke who was sitting across from me, scrolling through his phone. This was the second date throughout this week, that he's been scrolling his phone through!

I huffed. "Luke!" I said, tapping his arms. He flinches, and quickly sets his phone down. I frowned. "You're always on your phone!" I whined. He paused.

"It's just work sweetheart. But work isn't number one, you are always number one." He says, kissing my forehead. Soon the waiter comes by with the bill, which he pays.

We walk out of the restaurant, linking arms, but he suddenly gets a call. His smiling eyes weren't smiling anymore, as he looked serious. "I have to take the serious call. You go back first." 

I looked, as he walked away, holding the phone to his ears. He couldn't be doing what I think he is doing...right? I held my dress tightly. He can't be. He'd never betray me like that.

I held onto my thoughts, going home, trying to get rid of the negative ones even though they keep coming back. I soon, got home, and prepared everything and flopped into bed.

I looked at my phone. It's been a few hours now. I wonder...if he's coming back yet...I fiddled with my phone, trying to get my mind off things. Whatever. He'll probably be back soon.

The next morning, I woke up with a long stretch, and yawn. I looked around to see if he was home yet. I smiled, seeing his coat hanged up. 

I could hear someone humming something in the kitchen, as I quickly got up and got dressed. I brushed my teeth, and quickly went down the stairs to where he was. 

I smile, seeing him flip pancakes, while cooking eggs and bacon. "Your arms are going to fall off by this point." I laugh. He looks up, sees me and smiles.

"If it's for you, then I wouldn't mind it." He says, putting the pancakes, eggs, and bacon on the plate. "Mmm, it smells delicious. You're the best chef Luke." I salivated.

He walks up to me, and bridal carries me to my chair. "Oh, alright, I see how it is in the morning." I smile slyly. I then pulled on his tie a little. "Whoopsie, my hand slipped."

I could see his throat moving, as he coughed, and went to his seat and sat down. He thought he could win this morning, but clearly we could see who the winner is.

I quickly shoved the pancakes into my mouth, and moaned in delight. These were just perfect! "Mmm! These are the best pancakes ever! I have to kidnap you Luke!" 

He laughs, and smiles. "I'm already yours sweetheart. Eat more. I can make more if it's not enough for you. Then, his phone buzzes again. I pause my fork.

He looks at the phone, types something and then puts in down. "Are you okay?" He asks, seeing I paused my fork. "Yeah. Just was about to choke." I joked.

He looked worriedly at me. "Oh no, are you alright?" He asks, making my heart shiver with delight. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said, and started eating again, but not as fast.

A call suddenly comes through, and he quickly picks up, and walks out the room. What call was so important these days, that he leaves me like this? 

This instantly ruins my appetite, and I got out of my seat, and walked out the kitchen. I walked to the living room, and turned on the TV. I scrolled through Youtube, but I didn't find anything I wanted to watch so I closed it.

I then, just lied n the couch, thinking about the mysterious calls, and his sudden absences. I huff, ready to rip my hair out in frustration. Just who was that person?

One time, he was bathing, and I saw the opportunity. I quickly grabbed his phone, and I tried this random hack from online to open his phone, using the fingerprints. 

It worked miraculously. I quickly scrolled through all his apps, to see if there was anything mysterious. Then, I found it. This random person who does not have a name at all on it.

I quickly scrolled through the texts, and was absolutely horrified at what I found. No, it wasn't proof that he was cheating on me. It was random missions he was given, to kill someone.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opens, as Luke comes out, using a towel to wipe the water coming down his face. "(Y/n), have you seen-" He pauses when he sees what I have in my hand.

"How much have you seen?" He asks, mood instantly darkens, though I can sense some pleading coming from him. "Uhm...about everything." I said, scratching my chin.

He sighs, and faceplants his palm. "Urghh, you weren't supposed to find out about this!" He groans. I just stared blankly at him. "You...you won't leave me right?"

His question throws me off a little. I didn't know what to say. At some point, I loved him to the point where I would do anything for him...but this? This is...

"I won't." I quietly say. He sighs in relief. "Ah...I'm so glad..." He says, coming towards me, and bringing me towards him in a tight hug to show how relieved he was. 

"But..." He pauses at my but. "I want to know what exactly I'm getting to in this relationship." His eyes widens, but then turns serious. "Do you really want to know?" He asks.

I gulp, but nod my head furiously. He then, explains everything from head to toe, which made me nod as I understood. Though I can't say I'm okay with his killing business, I can't leave him.

I just love him way to much to do that. 


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