"Hey Priscilla. I'm heading out." I smiled. I tied up my hair in a bun. After being reborn in this world, several times, I couldn't care less anymore. I put on my mask, and stood up.
My cat Priscilla purred, and rubbed against my legs. I smiled. "I know, I know. I'll come back with you're favorite dessert after. I promise.
I died in real life, and was reborn in this world. But the weird thing was, even after I died in this book, this book turned back time. It was as if I was stuck here forever.
This book was about villains and heroes. Let's just say, you were born, and when you are 18, or somewhere around that age, you develop powers. It's separated into three.
On the good side, there's the light attribute. On the dark side, there's the dark magic. Then, there's the no power, which is just a normal civilian, that heroes had to protect.
There's also this whole separation thing, how the light is good, the dark is bad. I sigh, rubbing the dark purple mark, that was permanent. I huff.
Another day to cause chaos. It's not like I cared that my head would be chopped off in the end. I've already died so much, that what was the point of anything anymore?
I sprinted, running towards the target house that I was assigned to kill. I didn't use magic or anything today, because the target I am told to kill, has strong background.
I could be tracked down, if a trace of my magic is left, so it's best not to use magic. I just...simply set the entire mansion on fire. I know. Such a great plan.
It'll be such a pity if the person is handsome. Afterall, who doesn't like pretty boys? I carelessly let the oil splatter on the floor, and waited till the entire bottle was emptied.
I then grabbed my match out, and lit it. I tossed it on the ground, and ripped the teleport paper sheet, and it instantly teleported me to where I wanted to be.
I could hear the screams, and I was satisfied. Hah. Seems like my job is done here. I love those teleportation papers. No magic used. Such a pity in the modern world, there isn't this.
I whistled, and soon ripped another teleportation sheet, and I was back at home, in my little cottage. My cat greets me, as I curse. "Fuck. I forgot the food." I groan.
Good thing I have backup. I went to the storage, and grabbed a can, and opened it. This is why it's always good to have spares. I put the food on the plate for her.
She messily ate it, as she licked her nose. "Such a messy eater." I giggle. Suddenly, there was a knocking sound on my door. I opened it, preparing magic spells, just in case.
A handsome man- I repeat, a very handsome man fell on top of me. He was...covered with blood? What did he do to deserve this? I took him in, and closed the door.
Priscilla kept meowing, and tried looking at the strangers face. "Not now Priscilla. Go to your room, until I let you out okay?" I said. She obediently walked away.
I dropped the stranger on my bed. He sure was heavy. I looked at his features, and swallowed my saliva. Ahem. Not now (y/n), not now. I went to my herbs cabinet.
I took out all the medicines and bandaging I needed for him. Damn, his head...his nice face... ahem. Get back to work. Don't drool yet. Don't.
Alvarez POV: I woke up, grimacing as I felt the pain. But when I opened my eyes, I saw my previously bloodied areas, wiped clean, and bandaged.
"You're awake? You sure took your time sleeping." The girl huffs, as she walks in and placed the soup on the bedside counter. It was her. I'm sure of it. The girl who set the fire.
"Here. Have some soup. It contains medicine, so your wounds won't get infected." She casually says, and hands me the soup. "...it this poison?" I ask cautiously.
"What? No. If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead, not with bandages and everything you idiot." She huffs, and rolls her eyes as if showing she was greatly offended.
I paused. Actually, what she said is true. "Oh yeah, I never introduced myself. My names (Y/n). What's your name?" She asks. I paused, thinking of a fake name.
"Jake. My name is Jake." I said, hoping she'll believe it. "Oh. Nice name I guess. Drink the soup quickly. It's going to get cold soon." She says, and walks out the room.
My gaze instantly darkens, as she left my room. I will definitely get revenge tonight. Tonight will be the night you perish you witch. I thought to myself, as my eyes gleamed gold.
That night, I sneaked to where she was currently sleeping. The couch. I sneakily walked towards her, knife held high. But then...I stopped.
She was curled in a position, and her face was relaxed. She looked so...ethereal that moment. The moon shone upon her face, as to define her features even more.
No...you can't give in just because of this...Alvarez...don't...sigh. I can't do it. The moment I saw that...that position. The face. I knew I couldn't kill her.
Instead I felt like now I was stuck with the thought of protecting her through life. What a way to change myself. I huffed, and walked back to the room I was resting in.
Her cat hissed at me, but backing away, as if also frightened. "I know little one. I won't kill her. I promise." I'll do much more. I'll protect her with my life.
I climbed into bed, and tucked myself in, looking out the windows that were slightly open. The small breeze came in once in a while, and I would close my eyes to enjoy it.
(Y/n) POV:
I yawned, stretching my arms. Sleeping on the couch felt so uncomfortable! I should've just shooed that guy down here to sleep. Urgh.
I walked to the kitchen, to find something smelling nice. I see the guy I took care of last night. He was in my kitchen, cooking eggs and bacon. I sat down by the table.
"Oh. Your awake." He says, without giving me a glance. I'm surprised. How did he know I was here? I clearly made a silent entrance. His senses are really good it seems.
He places a plate of eggs and bacon beside me. "Thank you I said, gobbling the food already. I finished, and got up from my seat, yet again stretching my arms.
"I'm gonna be back. Just gonna go to town to buy something. It isn't safe for you out there, since...were you ambushed by people?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says. "Well, it won't be safe for you out there, cause who knows if those people are still there. You stay in my home just to be safe. I'll go out now." I grabbed a hat.
I walked out, the ferocious sun shining over me. It's gonna be good weather today. I ripped the teleportation sheets. I ended up straight at the village.
I saw a bunch of people crowding at the bulletin board. Huh. Was there a new job or something? What's so exciting today? I frowned.
I went to the bulletin board, and got shoved here and there. Finally I made it to the board. "What the hell is all this ruckus-" I paused at what I saw.
The grand duke of Alvais has gone missing, as his mansion was seen on fire last night. Whoever finds him, will get a total of $1million.
Isn't that the dude I killed? Is he not dead? Don't tell me he escaped. I'm pretty sure I planned it very carefully. How did he still escape? I frown.
I squinted my eyes, looking at that picture. It was a dude looking very...hot...but very distant and cold. I shivered. Why do I feel like...I've seen him before?

One shots (Character X Fem.Reader)
Storie d'amoreAre you ready to dive into multiple stories of dark romance? Well, here's your chance. ⚠ Warnings ⚠ -THIS STORY IS MINE 🎕Picture isn't mine🎕 🎕There may be stuff that can trigger you, had murder, abuse, rape, and many more stuff.🎕 🎕You have seen...