I Love You

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Angel and Husk are fast asleep cuddling. Suddenly there's a loud knock at the door making Angel and Husk jump awake.

Vaggie: *knocking loudly and shouts* "Husk you have work today! You're already late. It's nearly 8!"

Husk: *groans and nuzzles his face into Angels chest to muffle his grumpy shout* "yeye!"

They can hear Vaggie leave and Angel looks at Husk.

Husk: *mumbles exhaustedly* "stupid work"

Angel: *giggles exhaustedly and kisses on top of Husks head* "you should shower and get changed"

Husk: *grumbles and nuzzles Angel more* "I don't wanna"

Angel chuckles but then Alistor appears. Alistor stares at the completely nude Angel and Husk completely unfazed.

Alistor: *tilts his head* "Husk you need to head to the bar soon. You have work."

Husk: *grumbles feeling even more tired* "yeye Alistor" *starts to get up and get his clothes for a shower*

Alistor: *keeps his focus on Husk before turning to face Angel* "Someone's been very clearly marked."

Husk: *scratches his neck with his hands and mumbles* "shut up"

Alistor: *pulls Husks green chain making him choke slightly and taking him off the ground* "what was that?"

Husk: *eyes go wide, wakes up more immediately and begins to tremble terrified* "nothing. I'm sorry"

*Angel sits up angry*

Alistor: *drops Husk onto the ground as Husk gasps for air* "that's what I thought. Now shower and wear something. You look disgusting." *dissappears*

Husk: *gasps for air and crawls into a ball, holding his breathe to stop himself crying* "fuck..."

Angel: *rushes to Husk and comforts him* "Hey it's okay~ breathe don't hold your breathe"

*Husk shakes his head and keeps holding his breathe*

Angel: *makes Husk look at him* "breathe~" *Kisses Husk*

Husk: *kisses back but pulls away* "I should shower...."

Angel: *hugs Husk* "maybe we could shower together~"

Husk: *shakes head* "we'd never leave then~"

Angel: *Kisses Husk on the cheek aggressively* "exactly"

Husk: *chuckles and pulls away* "I need to get ready for work"

Angel: *thinks for a moment* "wait do I have my soul back now?"

Husk: *clicks his fingers and makes the golden chain appear then he breaks it* "nearly forgot"

Angel: *rubs his neck finally feeling free* "thank you! I love you!"

*Husk freezes and stares at Angel*

Angel: *realises what he said* "I didn't mean to say that...."

*Husk nods and heads to his bathroom to have a shower*

Angel: *mumbles to himself* "fucking idiot. Why'd you say that"

Once Husk is finished showering and getting changed he rushes out of his room not saying anything to Angel. Angel sighs and leaves Husks room locking the door behind him.

Angel: *talking to himself* "fucking idiot. You probably fucked everything up..."

Angel walks to his room and feeds Fat Nuggets before sleeping in his bed crying thinking he fucked everything up.

Husk goes behind the bar exhuatsed just thinking about what Angel said. Its like a broken record player in his mind. The words 'I love you' in Angels voice plays on repeat in his brain and Husk gets overwhelmed and starts to drink anything he can find. Vaggie notices Husk.

Vaggie: *walks up to the bar trying to get a better look at Husks neck* "are those hickeys?"

*Husk doesnt respond and he's completely out of it just drinking, trying not to fall asleep and just thinking about Angel.*

Vaggie: *pokes Husk's shoulder* "you okay Husk?"

*Husk shakes his head and looks at Vaggie while he continues to drink anything he can get his hands on*

Vaggie: *grabs his bottle out of his hand* "what's happened?"

Husk: *hesitates but he just has to say it to someone* "angel said he loved me....."

Vaggie: *nods trying to examine Husks expression* "and that's a bad thing because....."

Husk: *looks down and his ears go down* "I didn't say it back.... I don't know what to say...."

Vaggie: *sighs and nods* "that's okay... Do you love him?"

Husk: *looks away embarrassed* "I don't know.... Yes.... Maybe.... I'm not sure.....* "sighs and whispers" *I'm scared...."

Vaggie: *nods* "it's okay to be scared just try to talk to Angel about it so he doesn't over think it"

Husk: *nods* "I will later.... Can I drink now?"

Vaggie: *shakes head* "you can go now. I'm filling in for you for today but to morrow you better get your shit together. Oh ye and congrats on you and Angel then.... Kinda disappointing you didn't update me earlier about it"

Husk: *rolls his eyes and chuckles slightly* "I'll fill you in another day"

Vaggie nods and Husk makes his way to Angels room.

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