05 | faerie soirée

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FRIDAY NIGHT FINALLY ARRIVES AND I'm already nervous as hell. Other than prom, I can't remember the last time that I've been to a big event like this one. It's been a while since I touched my makeup palette or any of my other tools. I carefully stroke the brush of my mascara along my eyelashes, darkening them before I add some eyeliner. Hints of glitter flash in the bedroom lighting every time I move my head once or twice.

"It's only one party," I whisper to my reflection in the vanity mirror.

I then put on my earrings, preferably the small golden hoop ones, to go along with my outfit for the night. As I stare into my reflection once again, my hand slides over my denim shorts. I really hope I made the right choice.

I let out a sigh as I tied up my shoelaces. "Just one party,"

Bea is on my bed, licking at her paws and I go to sit next to her. I run my fingers through her fur and she begins to purr loudly. Within an instant, headlights flash against the wall, and a car honks. I pet my cat one more time before I grab my wallet off my nightstand and shove it into my back pocket.

I hurry downstairs to find my parents sitting on the couch watching TV. My mom catches my eyes and she looks at my outfit of evening from top to bottom.

"Going out, sweetie?" she asks.

"Yeah, but I promise I won't be out all night," I tell her.

"You're twenty-one, Moggy. It doesn't matter as long as you are careful," she reminds me.

"I will,"

I rush over to give them both a quick kiss on the cheek and hug before I head for the front door. "Tell Laurie that we said 'hello'!" my mom shouts from the living room on my way out.

"I will!" I yell back and close the door behind me.

Laurie is sitting in the driveway next to my car and waves at me excitedly-though, her windows are tinted and I can hardly see her. I saunter to the passenger side of the car and open the door to get in.

"Took you long enough," she jokes and then says, "You look bitchin' tonight by the way."

"First of all, I had to let my parents know. Second, thanks." I laugh as we pull out of the driveway.

As we drive through the night, Laurie increases the volume on the radio, blasting Irene Cara's Flashdance ... What a feeling, and rolls down both the driver's and the passenger side windows. She keeps one hand on the steering wheel and sticks the other out the window, waving it around. I don't think I've ever seen her this wild before.

"Have you been to Veronica's before?" I try to raise my voice over the loud radio and the wind being blown in my face.

"Eh, maybe once or twice," she replies while keeping her eyes on the road, "She lives across town."

"Across town?" I parroted.

The brunette nods. I'm not surprised that Veronica lives across Arcadia since that's where most of the people who work a six-figure job are. I bet her parents must be loaded with money, maybe even stinking rich at this point. Heck, I bet her house is like a two-story mansion.

"Wow," Is all I can say.

"Yeah, but thanks for agreeing to come with me to this party, Immy," she looks at me and then back at the road.

"No problem, Laurie," I smile warmly as we drive through the night.

⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆

Laurie parks alongside the long line of cars outside of a quaint two-story house when we arrive. Upbeat music blares from the house and few people are loitering on the front lawn. A couple of beer cans and red solo cups are sprawled across the grass and it looks like it's been freshly cut this morning. Butterflies begin to dance around and I am starting to have second thoughts now. I lean against the closed car door behind me. Laurie goes to stand beside me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Remember, if this party is too much, you let me know, okay?" she reminds me.

"Okay," I answer in a half-whisper.

We walk side by side to the front door of Veronica's house. There were several eyes glued on me as we passed them and Laurie fights back with a menacing glare that diverts their attention to their drinks. The reeking smell of cigarettes and alcohol hits me in the face when we walk in, and I immediately want to walk out but I try to remain positive. It looks like half of the campus is here and I'm praying that he won't be here.

I'd rather worry about him another day. Like Laurie, I need this night to let loose.

I follow behind her through the sea of dancing bodies to the large backyard patio. Light glistened from the pool as people were jumping in, splashing water at the edge. Suddenly, Laurie abruptly grabs my wrist as an overly dramatic gasp escapes her mouth.

"Oh my gosh, there he is, Imogene. Brian Shepherd," she points at the man from afar.

He has a tall and lean figure about him. His hair is long and it looks like he spent a lot of time putting on some grease and a butt load of hair spray. A loose cigarette hangs in the back of his ear. Honestly, I never thought that Laurie would have a thing for smart guys unless he's just putting on a front to look cool for her. And this is the guy that she's fawning for?

"That's him?" I raise an eyebrow, eyeing him up and down. Then again, he looks like a fucking supermodel if he wanted to be.

"Hell yeah!" Laurie has a hungry look in her eye as she licks her lips. She turns to me and asks, "How do I look?"

I look up and down at her. "I don't know. Like a million bucks?"

"Eh, I'll take that. Anyways, do you want to come with me?"

"I think I'm going to support you from over here if that's alright with you. I don't want to be a third wheel," I reply, folding my arms.

"Are you sure?" Laurie's tone shifts from all lovey-dovey to worried now like she wasn't just giggling like a high schooler off their rocker a second ago.

"Yes, I'm going to go get a drink or something," I tell her.

"Oh, well, alright then, wish me luck!" Laurie skips over to the other side of the pool where Brian is chatting with partygoers.

"Good luck!" I shout before I head back inside the crowded house.



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