09 | moonshine blues

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       "YOU SAID YES?!" LAURIE ASKS in disbelief as if this is something new and frankly, it is.

        "Well, I didn't know what else to say," I retort, trying not to blush at the idea. Why am I blushing? "Besides, it's not a date or anything."

        The brunette blinks once—twice and there's a wide gap between her pink lips. I don't know why she sounds so shocked when it was her idea in the first place. She rapidly taps the end of her pencil against her journal and purses her lips.

        "I don't know. Two people going out to eat at an old-fashioned diner where they ask each other trivial questions sounds pretty much like a date to me, Immy," She points out.

        I scoff and roll my eyes, "Uh, no it's not! I mean—"

        "Yes, it is. It may not be in a romantic way but it's a start. I proud of you,"

        Laurie had considered herself the big sister between the two of us, given our two-year history before I moved out of the apartment. However, in some cases, I had to take on that role. Nonetheless, she's always been like family to me even after it happened.

        Right now, she has a giant smug look on her face and I can't stand her sometimes when she makes that face.

        "Why?" I quirk an eyebrow.

        She leans in close to me. "Because it sucks if I'm the only one who's happy and you deserve to feel the same. I thought the party would but..."

        "It did in some ways. Don't beat yourself up about it,"

        "Thanks but the point is—even if you don't think that you're ready for a relationship, it doesn't hurt to have another friend," She explains and writes down more notes in her notebook. "It doesn't hurt to try, you know?"

        I've never been inclined to change but maybe this one will suffice. I look up at the blue sky and watch the white clouds lazily drift by, covering the sun for a split second then across the lively quad. 

        I'm surprised that she is talking her ear off about Brian being her boyfriend—supposedly. After the party, I would've thought that they would become an item by now with the way she endlessly talks about him. I won't be surprised if they get married one year later after graduation, that would be something to look forward to.

        But, she's right. It wouldn't hurt to give this outing with Eleanore a chance. She doesn't seem like the type of person with bad intentions...so far. Although, I don't think it is a bad idea to keep my walls up to protect myself.

        I won't make the same mistake letting people in so easily that's for sure. When you trust people who you don't know can often lead to trouble.

        "I guess you're right," I shrug, looking down at my hands.

        "And try to relax. The whole point of the break is to relax, Imogene." Laurie added as she flipped through the journal pages.

        "I know," I remark.

        As I count down the remainder of the day, I mentally prepare myself for what Eleanore has in store for me. And I hope it's good. 

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       Life is like one big crossroad that no one ever talks about. When you reach adulting, you have so many choices left at your feet. It was an old made-up philosophy that my dad made up for me once.

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