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        THE SKY STARTS TO CLEAR up after a while as we leave Allison's Cafe. The air is so disgustingly humid enough that it makes the curls in my hair loosen. I lean against the hood of my car, rummaging through my bag for my keys. "So, what's the plan for today, Hart?"

        "Hmm," Eleanore croons as she looks up at the sky, sucking her bottom lip to think for a moment. "Well, I can't think on an empty stomach."

        "I'm afraid the lunch period is over," I checked the time on my wristwatch.

        "Technically, it's over until two so there's still time to grab a bite."

         I roll my eyes, snorting as I shake my head. "Anyways, if you're that hungry, you can, you know, come over to my place,"

         "Huh? Really?" Eleanore cocks her head to the side, almost like a confused dog in a way. It's quite cute honestly.

         "Yeah, my dad knows how to make the meanest Rueben sandwiches you ever had," I explain, rubbing the back of my head while maintaining eye contact with her. "It's okay if you want to go somewhere else."

         She shakes her head. "No, no, I'd love to!"

         I don't know what I'm doing here but I can't turn back now. Eleanore retrieves her car key from her bag.

         "Great! Um, you can follow me back to my house in case you don't have my address memorized," I inform her as I grab mine as well.

         "Oh, sure, thanks, Moggy!" she exclaims, flashing her pearly white teeth at me before she skips over to her car and teasingly asks, "What are we waiting for?"

         It's a long, only like ten minutes, drive back home from Allison's Cafe. Eleanore parks alongside the curb behind the mailbox and she scales the two-story house from top to bottom.

         "Have I ever told you that your house looks amazing, Moggy?" she asks, her mouth nearly dropping on the ground.

         "No," I reply.

         "Well, it is."

         The air smells of vanilla and lily of the valley greets us at the front door followed by the sound of the radio playing my mother's favorite station. This usually means that she had done a little spring cleaning after cooking. 

         "Mom? Dad?" I called into the kitchen's entry, "I've brought in a friend, is that okay?"

         My mom looks up from her magazine. She stands up from the dining table and walks towards Eleanore with an outstretched hand. "Oh, why hello there! I'm Imogene's mother, Lillian."

         "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Quinn. I'm Eleanore Hart," she shakes her hand, putting on a brave face.

         The older woman lightly laughs. "Likewise, Eleanore. You're more than welcome over here anytime. I just finished making Rueben sandwiches. Please, have a seat, you two."

         Eleanore and I sit across from each other at the table after we wash our hands. My mom retrieves the plate of the Rueben sandwiches off of the kitchen counter and places it in front of us. The smell of the meat alone is turning my mouth into a running waterfall and making my stomach growl, even though I've eaten before.

         Eleanore grabs one from the plate and takes a bite. Her eyes immediately roll back and it's quite terrifying and a low moan tumbles from her mouth. "Mmm, they taste amazing! You really outdid yourself with these, Mrs. Quinn."

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