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       AFTER WE LEFT DEE DEE'S, we drove by Mallory Park. In Eleanore's words, it was the best place to start our spring break adventure. Plus after that, we needed to walk that food off.

       The afternoon sun shines down on us and I try not to stare so hard at Eleanore's glittery pink make-up. I take note of the sudden creases underneath her eyes when she throws her head back in laughter.

       I don't know why but whenever she does that, it becomes the most beautiful sound that I'm starting to grow fond of. It's a strange feeling but it's there.

       "And you won't believe what happened next," she tries to say through the laughs.

       "What?" My cheeks hurt from all of the smiling.

       "My uncle fell on his ass. In the mud and when he got up, it looked like he had shit on himself,"

       "Oh my God! Seriously?" We burst into laughter again and it echoes as we walk along the path.

       Eleanore draws an "X" over her chest and holds up two fingers in the air. "Scout's honor!"

        "Ok, if there's one thing I do know, is that you were never a scout, Ellie."

        "Hey," Eleanore skips ahead of me and begins to walk backward, "I'd make a great girl scout! Anyways, he had to walk like one of those stereotypical Western cowboys when they do that stand-off. Hobbling from side to side. Gosh, it was hilarious, honestly."

       "Your poor uncle. I bet he won't be able to let that one down, huh?"

       "I mean, that day was a huge lesson for him to not wear any white pants on a rainy day. And it could've been worse."

       "But still, your poor uncle though. Your life sounds much more exciting than mine," I tell her.

       I bet that she doesn't have to worry about getting by the people she trusts. Like she's always walking on cloud nine without a care in the world.

        "Oh, I don't know about all of that but-" she looks down, seemingly biting her bottom lip, and then looks at me, "-thank you... for agreeing to go out with me to Dee Dee's. It's nice having someone to talk to and they get to hear my stories. Well, other than my dog, Prince."

        "My parents wanted me to get out of the house anyway," I shrug.

        No problem, Ellie, something that I truly wanted to say.

       "So, what about you, Moggy? Do you have any funny relatives that I should know about? Any pets? No, what are your plans after graduation?" she asks at lightning-quick speed.

      I snicker. "Wow, what is this? An interview?"

      Then again, I wanted to know if I could trust her and see if her intentions were as good as they appeared.

      "Hey, the whole point is to get to know each other and get out of this awkward acquaintance phase. Get down to the nitty-gritty."

       "So pretend that we're middle schoolers giggling over cute boys? Got it!" I joke.

        Eleanore snorts, "Ha-ha, you're so funny. And for the record, I'm as gay as they come. Anyways, you got a favorite movie?"

        The gay part doesn't skip over my head but I don't surprised about it either. "Um," I look up to think of a good movie. The Eastern rosebud trees bloom splashes of purple and bend a usual mosaic. I say, "Mommie Dearest. And you?"

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