Chapter 1: Escaping Kamino

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(4 BBY. Y/N's age: 15)

(Planet: Kamino)

Third person perspective 

An Imperial T.I.E fighter flies down to Tipoca City on the planet of Kamino.

The fighter touches down on the landing pad and the Sith Lord, Darth Talon steps out.

She walks through the rain and walks into the facility

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She walks through the rain and walks into the facility.

Talon removes her hood as she walks to the cell.

She has been Palpatine's Sith Apprentice for five years now and he wants her to train the Clone as an assassin. 

But the Sith Lord has plans on her own.

Talon walks into the room holding her Apprentice.

Starkiller's P.O.V

I'm currently sitting in my cell under the floor, just like I usually do.

I guess as a Clone that's all I'm allowed to do.

I hear the door open and look up to see Darth Talon above me.

Talon: Hello, my Apprentice. You've been down there for almost two weeks, Starkiller and you haven't lost your mind.

Starkiller is a codename Talon gave me since I was created. I don't have a real name.

I sigh.

Starkiller: The power of the force gives me all I need.

Talon: The force?

Starkiller: The Darkside, my Master.

Talon: Better. Rise, Starkiller.

The doors above me open and the platform comes up.

I stand and walk over to her.

Talon: Your real training begins today, my Apprentice. My spies have located a Jedi on Cato Neimoidia.

I sense what she's about say, it's the Jedi's name.

Starkiller: Ahsoka Tano.

She nods.

Talon: Yes. Your abilities in the force are growing. Once your training is complete, you will go to Cato Neimoidia and executed her.

She pulls out a lightsaber and hands it to me.

I ignite it and the red blade comes out

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I ignite it and the red blade comes out.

Talon: Now, let's see how you use a lightsaber.

Just then a group of PROXY droid's come in and turn into Stormtroopers aside from one.

Talon: As you know, you were cloned from the Jedi Revan. You share his emotions. You must learn to hate what he loved.

The final one turns into a female Jedi.

Starkiller: Bastila Shan.

Talon: No. A Jedi.

I get into a fighting stance.

The Stormtroopers fire at me and I manage to block the blaster bolts.

I rush at them and start cutting through them.

Once they're all down I turn and swing the saber at the final PROXY droid.

I stop when I see it's Bastila.

Starkiller: No, no.

I start to have memory flashes and I see Revan with Bastila. I feel his love for her.

Talon: Strike her down.

Starkiller: I can't!

Talon: You will! You're my Apprentice and you will do my bidding.

I try to do it, but I can't move.

Just then Bastila gets stabbed and falls to the floor.

My eyes widen.

She turns back into the PROXY droid.

Talon: It is as I feared.

Starkiller: Why is this happening?

Talon: The Kaminoians did say that memory flashes would be a side effect of the cloning process. With earlier Clones the memories drove them mad within weeks, or days. The memories will fade.

I look at her.

Y/N: And if they don't?

Talon: Then you will be no use to me. You'll be a failure as the other's were.

She's gonna kill me.

I quickly turn and use the force to blast her back into the far wall.

I rush towards the window and dive out of it.

After that I land on a walkway outside.

Starkiller: I need to get out of here.

Just then I see Stormtroopers.

Commander: The Clone is escaping! Shoot to kill!

They fire at me and I ignite the lightsaber and block their shots.

I send the shots at back at them and they drop.

I rush forward and continue to block blaster shots.

Once they're down I make my way up the walkway.

I look up to see an Imperial gunship fly in.

Starkiller: Stay away from me!

Stormtroopers drop down onto the walkway.

I need to fight them to get out of here.

I block blaster shots.

(Five minutes later)

After fighting my way through Stormtroopers I make to a landing pad.

It has a T.I.E fighter on it.

I run over to it, but stop when I feel a presence.

I look back to see the doors behind me burst open and Talon walks out.

I run over to the T.I.E and get in before flying away.

Starkiller: I made it.

I fly into space and immediately jump into hyperspace.

I sigh.

Starkiller: Now what do I do?

I then remember what Talon said. I need to find Ahsoka Tano.

She's a Jedi and she can help me.

I quickly plot a course to Cato Neimoidia.

Starkiller: I need to centre myself.

I get up and kneel down to mediate.

The Lightside of the force has always come easier to me.

Hopefully, I can save Tano before she's killed on Cato Neimoidia.

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