Chapter 2: Cato Neimoidia

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(Planet: Cato Neimoidia)

Third person perspective

On Cato Neimoidia, the Jedi known as Ahsoka Tano is fighting in the arena.

A warrior charges at her, but she cuts him down with her two blue sabers.

She sighs before looking up at the viewing room above.

Ahsoka: Is that the best you've got, Baron?

The Baron looks back to his guards.

Baron: Send in more warrior's. We must kill her before the Sith Assassin arrives.

The guards bow before leaving.

(The next day)

Starkiller's P.O.V

I'm currently on my way to Cato Neimoidia to rescue Ahsoka Tano.

But I need to do something about the red lightsaber.

I don't think she'll trust me if I have a red lightsaber. Luckily, I have a way to change that.

I kneel down and put the lightsaber infront of me.

Starkiller: Okay, I can do this. Hopefully, seeing Revan do this in my head will allow me to do it too.

I close my eyes and meditation.

I sense the lightsaber come apart and I use the force to pull the crystal into hand.

After that I use the light within me to change the crystal back to it's original form.

I feel the crystal fight me at first, but I still to push through it.

A moment later I open my eyes to look at the crystal, it's now white.

Starkiller: It worked.

I put it back in the lightsaber and put the saber back together.

Just then I hear beeping.

(A/N: I forgot to mention it, but in this story Ahsoka never left the Order and became a Jedi Knight shortly before her mission to capture Maul on Mandalore.)

(Five minutes later)

(Planet: Cato Neimoidia)

The T.I.E fighter comes out of hyperspace over Cato Neimoidia.

Starkiller: Well, here I am.

I fly down towards the planet and head towards the coordinates programed into the fighter.

I guess Talon planned on coming here after training me on Kamino.

A moment later I land on a landing platform and see a squad of Stormtroopers.

Starkiller: Here we go.

I get up and lower the ramp before leaving the ship.

A man walks towards me and stops.

???: Ah, you must be Starkiller. I am the Baron.

Starkiller: That's right. The Jedi, where is she?

Baron: We are currently have her in the holding cells near the battle arena. She's been in there for three days.

Starkiller: Take me to her and I'll deal with her for you.

He puts his arm behind his back.

Baron: Of course. I'd be happy to take you to her. But first, what are the Imperial security codes for this sector?

He pulls out a blaster and the Stormtroopers aim their blaster's at me.

Baron: The security codes, boy?

It's clear this isn't gonna work.

I pull out the lightsaber and ingite it, and the white blade comes out.

He backs up to the walkway.

Baron: Kill him. Make sure he doesn't get to the Jedi.

The Stormtroopers fire at me and I block their shots, sending blasts back at them.

I then use the force to push three of them off the platform.

Once the rest of them our down, I rush across the walkway.

More Stormtroopers come across the walkway on my right.

Stormtrooper: Open fire!

I run towards them and block their shots.

Once they're in range I cut them both down.

I make my way across the other walkway.

Starkiller: Now, I just gotta get to the holding cells and find Ahsoka Tano. That'll be easy.

I make my way further into the city to find her.

(Fifteen minutes later)

After fighting my way through Stormtroopers and the Baron's guards, I make it to the holding cells.

I move through the halls and see two guards outside a cell.

So I rush at them and force push them into the wall, knocking them out.

After take two lightsaber's off one of the guards, I open the cell and it's dark in there.

Starkiller: Hello. Ahsoka Tano? Are you in here?

A figure steps into the light.

???: Yes, I'm Ahsoka Tano. Who are you?

Starkiller: I'm uh... just call me Starkiller. I'm here to get you out. I believe these are yours.

I hand the lightsabers to her.

Ahsoka: They are. Thank you.

Starkiller: Come on, let's go.

We leave the cell.

Ahsoka: So, what's your plan? 

Starkiller: I've got a ship on the landing platform, the only problem is that it's on the other side of the city.

Ahsoka: That's not gonna work, kid.

We stop at the edge of the wall and lean against it.

Starkiller: You got a better plan?

Ahsoka: I do. The Baron's ship is nearby. We take that one.

Starkiller: Works for me. Lead the way.

She nods and rushes forward.

I follow her and we make it out of the cell block using an turbo lift.

Ahsoka: We'll take this turbo lift up to to the top floor and the Baron's ship is on the platform just round the corner.

Starkiller: Got it.

Ahsoka: So, why do they call you Starkiller?

I look at her.

Starkiller: It's a long story. I'll explain it once we're out of here.

Ahsoka: Okay. Are you a Jedi?

I sigh.

Y/N: Sort of.

A moment later we come out on the top floor and rush around the corner.

Ahsoka: There's the ship.

We run out onto the platform and get on the ship.

Tano gets into the pilot's seat.

I look outside to see the Baron show up with Stormtroopers.

Starkiller: I think it's time to go. The Baron's here.

Ahsoka: I've almost got it.

Just then the ship fires up.

Ahsoka: And let's get out of here.

She takes off and flies away.

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