Chapter 12: The Bogano Temple

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(Planet: Bogano)

Y/N's P.O.V

The Jedi Starship comes out of hyperspace over Bogano.

Anakin, Ahsoka, Master Obi-Wan and I are here to speak with Master Yoda.

We also have BD-1 and R2 with us.

Obi-Wan: Bogano.

Y/N: Have you been here before, Master Kenobi?

He looks at me.

Obi-Wan: No, I haven't. But I have heard stories about this place.

I look to BD.

Y/N: BD, can you scan the planet for any Imperial presence?

BD-1: (Beeps.)

Anakin: Good idea. We don't any surprises.

BD-1 plugs in and does a scan.

BD-1: (Beeps.)

Y/N: No Imperial's? That's good.

Anakin: Alright, let's take her down.

Anakin and I fly the ship down to the planet.

We then land near the temple.

All of us leave the ship and see the temple nearby.

Anakin turns to our droid's.

Anakin: R2, BD, stay here and keep an eye out.

R2-D2: (Beeps.)

After that we head over to the temple and make our way inside.

The four of us stand in the middle of the room.

Ahsoka: So, how did you two make contact with Master Yoda?

Anakin: Well... he actually contacted us.

Y/N: I thought I was dreaming when I first heard Master Yoda's voice.

Anakin: And I was mediating.

Ahsoka: Then perhaps that's a good place to start.

Obi-Wan: I agree.

We all kneel down and start mediating.

As I meditate I feel the force all around me.

It's like the force is running through the temple itself.

Just then I hear Anakin's voice.

Anakin: There's a doorway.

The rest of us look around.

Y/N: Where? I don't see anything.

Ahsoka: Neither do I.

Obi-Wan: Are you sure, Anakin?

Anakin: Yes, I see it.

He stands up before looking at me.

Anakin: Last time we spoke to Master Yoda, we were separated. Maybe this is my path alone.

He walks over to the wall.

Y/N: Okay. Be careful.

Anakin: Don't worry. I wouldn't do anything you would do.

Obi-Wan: I agree. You'd do something much worse.

Anakin: Very funny, Master.

Just then he disappears.

Y/N: Whoa. Where'd he go? He just disappeared.

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