Chapter 9: Commader Denvik

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Y/N's P.O.V

After having a chat with Davis, I head back to the command centre.

I walk in to see everyone is there.

Y/N: Guys, I know where the base is.

Ahsoka: You do?

Y/N: Yeah. I talked to Davis and he told me.

Jaina: How'd you get him to tell you?

I start to think about what happened in the cell.

Anakin steps forward.

Anakin: Y/N?

I shake my head.

Y/N: It... it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I know where the base is, therefore I have Denvik's location.

General Sato comes over.

Sato: Where is the base, Lieutenant?

Y/N: I'll show you.

We all gather around the holotable and BD jumps up onto it.

I pull out a drive.

Y/N: Davis had this on him. It has the base's location.

I plug it in and we a projection of the base appears.

Y/N: The base is in the Nova Garon system. It's been built within an asteroid, which is within a cluster of asteroid's.

Sato: That's the perfect to hide a base.

Jaina: Like our base. It's hidden within a mountain.

Ahsoka: Well, now we know where the base is. What do we do?

Y/N: Well, I say we hit the base and take it down.

Anakin: Easy there, Padawan. We should do recon first and see what we're going up against.

I sigh.

Y/N: Okay, fine. We'll do recon. Come on, BD. Let's make a plan.

BD-1: (Beeps.)

I walk out of the command centre with BD.

Jaina: Hey, Y/N.

I turn back to see Jaina coming over to me.

Y/N: Hey.

Jaina: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine. Why?

Jaina: I can sense you're a little uneasy. What happened with Davis?

Y/N: Nothing... we just had a talk. And I got the drive off him.

Jaina: Are you sure that's all? You seem a little off.

I put my hands on her arms.

Y/N: I'm fine, Jaina. I promise.

After that I walk off.

I look to BD.

Y/N: We don't have time to do recon. We need to get there and take down that base.

BD-1: (Beeps?)

Y/N: You're right, it's probably not a good idea. But we need to do this.

BD-1: (Beeps.)

I smile.

Y/N: Thanks, buddy. Let's go.

I sneak off to take an X-Wing.

(One hour later)

(Nova Garon System)

My X-Wing comes out of hyperspace in the Nova Garon system.

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